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Step #3           Mission Specific Instructions

Use the instructions below which are applicable to those individual instruments that you have chosen.
Lapalma Yohkoh


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HESSI Specific Instructions


1.    In the site setup directory, locate the file named "setup.hessi_env".  If you have installed
       ssw on your c: drive, you will find it here:    c:\ssw\site\setup\

2.    Open the file for editing in Notepad.  Edit the file according to the instructions found in the file.
       Updated versions of the software may not work if the instructions are not followed exactly.
       Be sure to delete the lines where instructed.

(Optional)  There are two versions of the HESSI software available at any time - the development and the latest release.  You will be given the opportunity to choose the version during the installation.  If at a later date, you would like to switch versions follow these steps:

3.    On your desktop, locate the sswidl icon.  Right click on it and choose "Properties".

4.    In the "sswidl Properties" panel that appears, select the "Shortcut" tab.  Click "Find Target...".

5.    Open the file named "sswidl" (or "sswidl.pl") for editing in Notepad.

6.    Locate the following text and edit it appropriately (your path may differ from the examples):

    To get the release version:
    rem Optional Instrument specific setup/startup
    set HESSI_PATH=c:\ssw\hessi\release
    rem HESSI_PATH=c:\ssw\hessi

        To get the development version:
    rem Optional Instrument specific setup/startup
    rem HESSI_PATH=c:\ssw\hessi\release
    set HESSI_PATH=c:\ssw\hessi

7.    Save the changes and exit Notepad.

You can switch between the development and release versions whenever you want, but you must exit and restart IDL for the change to take effect.

For in-depth documentation on using the HESSI software, please refer to the  HESSI Data Analysis Software page.

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OSVA Specific Instructions

Please visit http://ovsa.njit.edu/software/setup.html

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Web Design:  Merrick Berg, Brian Dennis, Gordon Holman, & Gilbert Prevost

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This site last updated November 10, 2008.