HESSI Flare List (generated 14-Sep-2022 13:55) Total # flares: 104036 Time range: 12-Feb-2002 02:15:24.000 - 30-Mar-2018 05:23:20.000 Flare Start time Peak End Dur Peak Total Energy X Pos Y Pos Radial AR Flags s c/s Counts keV asec asec asec 12022205 22-Feb-2012 16:15:52 16:16:22 16:21:04 312 19 23184 6-12 515 373 637 1422 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 12022206 22-Feb-2012 18:02:56 18:03:58 18:05:08 132 27 14176 6-12 529 365 643 1422 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022201 22-Feb-2012 21:13:28 21:16:14 21:21:20 472 107 114225 6-12 545 360 653 1422 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022202 22-Feb-2012 22:53:12 22:55:22 23:03:52 640 159 250272 12-25 559 351 661 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022204 22-Feb-2012 23:03:52 23:08:18 23:17:52 840 117 225964 6-12 562 358 666 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022301 23-Feb-2012 03:50:40 03:51:18 03:54:08 208 34 20183 6-12 585 358 686 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022302 23-Feb-2012 05:48:56 05:50:30 05:57:48 532 48 66891 6-12 612 341 701 1422 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022306 23-Feb-2012 08:12:08 08:48:26 09:08:20 3372 48 483824 6-12 885 490 1012 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022303 23-Feb-2012 11:48:44 11:53:06 12:00:08 684 181 263118 12-25 -29 373 374 1421 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022304 23-Feb-2012 12:15:04 12:20:34 12:21:48 404 51 72100 6-12 -58 340 345 1421 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022311 23-Feb-2012 13:07:08 13:07:46 13:08:48 100 38 12789 6-12 647 356 739 1422 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022312 23-Feb-2012 13:18:48 13:19:58 13:21:16 148 33 14739 6-12 628 340 714 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022313 23-Feb-2012 14:44:04 14:44:30 14:45:00 56 21 5063 6-12 673 333 751 1422 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022314 23-Feb-2012 14:46:24 14:47:06 14:49:36 192 106 39420 6-12 661 352 749 1422 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022315 23-Feb-2012 17:48:04 17:48:54 17:50:08 124 51 16284 6-12 671 342 753 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022316 23-Feb-2012 17:50:08 17:53:30 17:58:16 488 155 87573 6-12 672 349 758 1422 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022317 23-Feb-2012 18:05:48 18:06:46 18:09:12 204 48 27057 6-12 683 334 760 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022318 23-Feb-2012 19:46:20 19:47:58 19:48:24 124 20 10903 6-12 693 331 768 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022404 24-Feb-2012 00:28:16 00:29:34 00:30:56 160 22 14345 6-12 -955 203 976 1424 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022401 24-Feb-2012 00:38:52 00:46:58 00:56:04 1032 243 319900 12-25 -957 188 976 1424 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022405 24-Feb-2012 02:10:28 02:11:14 02:13:44 196 39 21474 6-12 -955 220 980 1424 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022402 24-Feb-2012 02:14:32 02:18:58 02:26:16 704 154 248838 12-25 -857 332 919 1423 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022406 24-Feb-2012 03:47:44 03:50:34 03:57:56 612 33 66217 6-12 764 299 821 1422 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022407 24-Feb-2012 06:56:56 06:58:10 07:00:28 212 31 23505 6-12 -944 180 961 1424 A0 DF P1 PE Q2 12022408 24-Feb-2012 08:06:36 08:10:34 08:12:48 372 62 68700 6-12 -841 347 910 1423 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022409 24-Feb-2012 12:03:08 12:03:50 12:06:00 172 26 17254 6-12 782 285 833 1422 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022403 24-Feb-2012 12:06:00 12:13:58 12:16:08 608 190 229338 6-12 -966 202 987 1424 A0 DR EE P1 PE Q3 12022410 24-Feb-2012 15:24:40 15:27:14 15:27:20 160 25 13889 6-12 -966 227 992 1424 A0 DR EE P1 PE Q3 12022411 24-Feb-2012 16:04:00 16:05:18 16:06:20 140 18 10427 6-12 -960 198 980 1424 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 12022412 24-Feb-2012 16:11:04 16:11:42 16:13:56 172 29 16213 6-12 -949 202 970 1424 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022413 24-Feb-2012 17:48:24 17:52:50 17:55:44 440 59 74901 6-12 -912 276 953 1424 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022414 24-Feb-2012 19:21:24 19:22:26 19:25:28 244 23 22797 6-12 -954 207 976 1424 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022415 24-Feb-2012 22:45:24 22:46:02 22:47:40 136 26 12993 6-12 -950 209 973 1424 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022416 24-Feb-2012 23:08:20 23:10:06 23:11:44 204 91 38828 6-12 828 319 887 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022501 25-Feb-2012 03:27:24 03:27:58 03:32:28 304 30 30221 6-12 864 278 908 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022502 25-Feb-2012 05:29:36 05:38:18 05:46:52 1036 33 107072 6-12 877 341 941 1422 A0 DF DR P1 PE Q3 12022503 25-Feb-2012 08:00:04 08:00:14 08:02:28 144 28 14885 6-12 878 295 926 1422 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 12022504 25-Feb-2012 08:38:04 08:57:34 08:58:56 1252 150 268165 6-12 865 319 922 1422 A0 DF DR EE P1 PE Q4 12022505 25-Feb-2012 09:44:48 09:46:10 09:49:04 256 23 23100 6-12 -925 188 944 1424 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022506 25-Feb-2012 10:29:40 10:31:54 10:34:16 276 30 33085 6-12 -922 188 941 1424 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022507 25-Feb-2012 11:39:32 11:40:06 11:40:40 68 28 5705 6-12 882 276 924 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022508 25-Feb-2012 11:54:56 11:56:50 11:59:20 264 47 48082 6-12 880 346 946 1422 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022509 25-Feb-2012 12:46:52 12:50:46 12:54:28 456 61 69011 6-12 -912 194 932 1424 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 12022510 25-Feb-2012 12:59:16 13:01:14 13:01:36 140 21 11707 6-12 877 334 939 1422 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022511 25-Feb-2012 15:58:04 15:58:06 15:58:48 44 26 4284 6-12 874 279 917 1422 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 12022512 25-Feb-2012 17:45:56 17:47:18 17:48:32 156 32 18364 6-12 452 355 575 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022513 25-Feb-2012 19:22:48 19:26:26 19:34:24 696 89 118566 6-12 -904 195 924 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022514 25-Feb-2012 20:46:28 20:49:46 20:58:48 740 135 166995 6-12 478 354 595 0 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022612 26-Feb-2012 00:26:16 00:27:30 00:28:28 132 29 13651 6-12 942 185 960 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022613 26-Feb-2012 01:38:00 01:39:42 01:40:24 144 28 14935 6-12 922 270 961 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022601 26-Feb-2012 02:11:56 02:13:46 02:18:12 376 215 144220 12-25 916 273 956 1422 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022614 26-Feb-2012 03:20:00 03:20:42 03:22:44 164 31 14259 6-12 -865 209 890 1424 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022615 26-Feb-2012 03:28:32 03:30:02 03:31:40 188 23 16640 6-12 916 317 970 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022616 26-Feb-2012 05:05:12 05:10:54 05:12:08 416 40 67039 6-12 -874 217 901 0 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022617 26-Feb-2012 05:12:08 05:13:06 05:14:56 168 70 31334 6-12 924 284 966 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022603 26-Feb-2012 06:18:28 06:18:46 07:16:12 3464 122 1305141 6-12 948 339 1007 1422 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 12022618 26-Feb-2012 07:54:04 07:54:06 08:00:12 368 25 33573 6-12 972 322 1024 1422 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 12022619 26-Feb-2012 09:29:40 09:53:30 10:01:24 1904 42 228165 6-12 -598 408 724 1423 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 12022620 26-Feb-2012 11:14:08 11:15:18 11:18:40 272 48 41933 6-12 -61 444 448 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022610 26-Feb-2012 11:18:40 11:23:46 11:33:24 884 1789 2647781 12-25 667 -161 686 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q3 SE 12022621 26-Feb-2012 17:27:40 17:28:02 17:35:08 448 26 42470 6-12 696 -170 717 0 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 12022622 26-Feb-2012 17:40:16 17:42:14 17:43:24 188 59 31273 6-12 635 334 718 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022623 26-Feb-2012 19:22:24 19:22:54 19:25:36 192 28 18645 6-12 947 247 979 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022624 26-Feb-2012 21:17:12 21:18:02 21:19:16 124 33 14095 6-12 930 280 971 1422 A0 P1 PE Q2 SE 12022625 26-Feb-2012 22:29:48 22:30:14 22:30:48 60 18 4337 6-12 950 229 977 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022706 27-Feb-2012 00:16:04 00:18:22 00:22:12 368 39 45403 6-12 927 302 975 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022707 27-Feb-2012 03:12:28 03:13:06 03:14:44 136 23 10807 6-12 965 233 993 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022708 27-Feb-2012 04:41:32 04:43:06 04:45:28 236 76 40141 6-12 948 217 972 1422 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022709 27-Feb-2012 05:04:24 05:06:02 05:09:00 276 27 23883 6-12 -725 241 764 0 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022710 27-Feb-2012 06:55:12 06:57:38 07:04:20 548 47 93920 6-12 -774 270 820 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022711 27-Feb-2012 09:23:44 09:23:50 09:33:32 588 42 82307 6-12 -486 409 636 0 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 12022701 27-Feb-2012 15:46:08 15:54:10 16:06:00 1192 86 378157 6-12 966 294 1010 1422 A0 DF DR ES P1 PE Q5 SE 12022712 27-Feb-2012 17:21:44 17:26:10 17:31:44 600 19 47230 6-12 979 255 1012 1422 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 12022801 28-Feb-2012 00:05:00 00:16:58 00:34:08 1748 323 1203959 6-12 1 315 315 1426 A0 DR GD P1 PE Q4 SE 12022805 28-Feb-2012 05:04:48 05:07:02 05:14:08 560 38 74819 6-12 -568 262 626 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022802 28-Feb-2012 07:58:40 08:05:02 08:23:00 1460 774 1339071 12-25 -530 257 589 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022806 28-Feb-2012 08:29:32 08:31:30 08:35:44 372 35 38494 6-12 -179 394 433 1423 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022803 28-Feb-2012 21:01:52 21:02:22 21:03:16 84 23 7541 6-12 -475 312 568 0 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022804 28-Feb-2012 22:43:00 22:43:30 22:44:44 104 28 9735 6-12 -48 398 401 1423 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022807 28-Feb-2012 23:45:24 23:47:18 23:49:16 232 44 35556 6-12 648 -160 667 0 A0 P1 PE Q1 12022902 29-Feb-2012 07:36:16 07:37:50 07:42:44 388 786 491729 12-25 -417 345 542 0 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 12022903 29-Feb-2012 09:15:20 09:16:22 09:18:56 216 41 26646 6-12 -381 343 512 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022904 29-Feb-2012 09:21:00 09:25:22 09:31:40 640 555 346713 12-25 -390 340 518 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022918 29-Feb-2012 10:06:16 10:06:42 10:06:56 40 27 5030 6-12 -390 351 525 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022906 29-Feb-2012 14:52:48 14:58:10 14:58:24 336 42 39180 12-25 83 391 400 1423 A0 DR EE P1 PE Q4 SS 12022905 29-Feb-2012 15:34:20 15:37:58 15:40:32 372 77 79673 6-12 -332 346 479 0 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 12022916 29-Feb-2012 15:40:32 15:47:30 15:52:44 732 148 259640 6-12 -338 350 487 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q3 SE 12022909 29-Feb-2012 20:52:56 20:58:02 21:00:32 456 43 71210 6-12 -286 337 443 0 A0 P1 PE Q2 SE 12022910 29-Feb-2012 21:56:48 22:01:50 22:19:32 1364 163 290234 6-12 -261 338 427 0 A0 ES P1 PE Q2 12022914 29-Feb-2012 22:27:00 22:28:46 22:30:48 228 26 23756 6-12 -267 338 431 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 12022915 29-Feb-2012 22:32:28 22:38:38 22:40:56 508 1184 1093612 12-25 -258 343 429 0 A0 P1 PE Q2 SE Notes: Note that only events with non-zero position and energy range not equal to 3-6 keV are confirmed as solar sources. Events which have no position and show up mostly in the front detectors, but were not able to be imaged are flagged as "PS". Events which do not have valid position are only confirmed to be non-solar if the NS flag is set. Peak Rate: peak counts/second in energy range 6-12 keV, averaged over active collimators, including background. Total Counts: counts in energy range 6-12 keV integrated over duration of flare summed over all subcollimators, including background. Energy: the highest energy band in which the flare was observed. Radial Distance: distance from Sun center Quality Codes: Qn, where n is the total number of data gap, SAA, particle, eclipse or decimation flags set for event. n ranges from 0 to 11. Use care when analyzing the data when the quality is not zero. Flare Flag Codes: a0 - In attenuator state 0 (None) sometime during flare a1 - In attenuator state 1 (Thin) sometime during flare a2 - In attenuator state 2 (Thick) sometime during flare a3 - In attenuator state 3 (Both) sometime during flare An - Attenuator state (0=None, 1=Thin, 2=Thick, 3=Both) at peak of flare DF - Front segment counts were decimated sometime during flare DR - Rear segment counts were decimated sometime during flare ED - Spacecraft eclipse (night) sometime during flare EE - Flare ended in spacecraft eclipse (night) ES - Flare started in spacecraft eclipse (night) FE - Flare ongoing at end of file FR - In Fast Rate Mode FS - Flare ongoing at start of file GD - Data gap during flare GE - Flare ended in data gap GS - Flare started in data gap MR - Spacecraft in high-latitude zone during flare NS - Non-solar event PE - Particle event: Particles are present PS - Possible Solar Flare; in front detectors, but no position Pn - Position Quality: P0 = Position is NOT valid, P1 = Position is valid Qn - Data Quality: Q0 = Highest Quality, Q11 = Lowest Quality SD - Spacecraft was in SAA sometime during flare SE - Flare ended when spacecraft was in SAA SS - Flare started when spacecraft was in SAA