HESSI Flare List (generated 14-Sep-2022 13:55) Total # flares: 104036 Time range: 12-Feb-2002 02:15:24.000 - 30-Mar-2018 05:23:20.000 Flare Start time Peak End Dur Peak Total Energy X Pos Y Pos Radial AR Flags s c/s Counts keV asec asec asec 17020401 4-Feb-2017 05:58:40 05:59:38 06:00:56 136 46 8377 6-12 953 -54 955 0 A0 P1 PE Q1 17020601 6-Feb-2017 07:06:20 07:08:02 07:09:04 164 39 10879 6-12 1069 371 1131 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 17020901 9-Feb-2017 00:43:28 00:48:54 01:02:12 1124 137 128012 6-12 -428 316 532 2635 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 17020902 9-Feb-2017 01:49:28 01:50:30 02:19:32 1804 3306 1526625 12-25 -430 311 530 2635 A0 ES P1 PE Q2 17020919 9-Feb-2017 02:20:20 02:37:54 02:43:48 1408 57 107258 6-12 -428 313 531 2635 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 17020920 9-Feb-2017 03:23:40 03:25:10 03:31:00 440 4464 1412685 12-25 -409 314 516 2635 A0 ES P1 PE Q2 17020921 9-Feb-2017 03:31:00 03:31:58 03:44:36 816 575 247216 6-12 -410 311 514 2635 A0 P1 PE Q1 17020917 9-Feb-2017 03:50:16 04:01:58 04:20:52 1836 94 194989 6-12 -417 310 519 2635 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 17020922 9-Feb-2017 05:29:40 05:38:02 05:55:08 1528 926 741430 12-25 -390 311 498 2635 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 17020923 9-Feb-2017 06:32:08 06:34:42 06:40:52 524 280 99542 6-12 -390 311 498 2635 A0 ES P1 PE Q2 17020924 9-Feb-2017 06:53:20 07:01:46 07:24:20 1860 5366 1754662 12-25 -367 306 478 2635 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 17020925 9-Feb-2017 08:16:44 08:19:30 08:24:16 452 88 36735 6-12 -352 314 472 2635 A0 DF P1 PE Q2 17020926 9-Feb-2017 09:40:32 09:41:06 09:44:16 224 55 17499 6-12 -348 316 471 2635 A0 DF DR ES P1 PE Q4 17020927 9-Feb-2017 10:11:44 10:21:18 10:21:24 580 62 45272 6-12 -610 -329 693 0 A0 DF DR P1 PE Q3 17020928 9-Feb-2017 10:21:24 10:35:14 10:36:44 920 118 90458 6-12 -332 308 453 2635 A0 DF DR P1 PE Q3 17021001 10-Feb-2017 15:34:36 15:34:46 15:35:04 28 35 1672 6-12 -777 429 887 0 A0 DF DR P1 PE Q3 17021201 12-Feb-2017 04:25:28 04:32:34 04:35:28 600 173 78430 6-12 250 311 399 2635 A0 DF DR EE P1 PE Q4 17021302 13-Feb-2017 06:27:16 06:34:42 06:50:32 1396 91 155880 6-12 490 291 569 2635 A0 DF DR P1 PE Q3 17021501 15-Feb-2017 12:36:56 12:41:30 12:41:48 292 142 34278 6-12 -850 211 875 2636 A0 DF EE P1 PE Q3 17021701 17-Feb-2017 09:51:20 09:56:22 10:00:36 556 77 35047 6-12 -576 268 635 0 A0 DF DR PE PS Q3 17021811 18-Feb-2017 01:03:28 01:24:58 01:57:24 3236 133 550717 6-12 -930 271 968 0 A0 DF DR EE P1 PE Q4 17021810 18-Feb-2017 02:37:56 03:08:18 03:31:40 3224 137 439681 6-12 -950 290 994 0 A0 DF DR EE P1 PE Q4 17021904 19-Feb-2017 02:54:24 02:56:10 02:57:08 164 44 11089 6-12 -731 152 747 0 A0 DF P1 PE Q2 17021902 19-Feb-2017 07:33:48 07:44:18 07:48:04 856 75 89764 6-12 -948 337 1006 0 A0 DF EE P1 PE Q3 17021901 19-Feb-2017 08:59:44 09:02:42 09:22:16 1352 97 131384 6-12 -952 336 1010 0 A0 DF DR EE P1 PE Q4 17022004 20-Feb-2017 04:09:20 04:10:42 04:13:08 228 49 18707 6-12 -930 351 994 2638 A0 DF DR EE P1 PE Q4 17022002 20-Feb-2017 11:51:36 11:55:42 12:03:04 688 394 138927 12-25 -882 337 945 2638 A0 DF P1 PE Q2 17022003 20-Feb-2017 14:15:28 14:22:42 14:27:04 696 781 530046 6-12 -850 371 927 2638 A0 DF P1 PE Q3 SE 17022005 20-Feb-2017 17:29:00 17:37:18 17:45:44 1004 64 81754 6-12 -930 291 974 0 A0 DF DR P1 PE Q4 SE 17022007 20-Feb-2017 22:58:20 22:59:42 23:03:56 336 69 30535 6-12 -830 351 901 2638 A0 DF DR EE P1 PE Q4 17022101 21-Feb-2017 05:14:36 05:17:22 05:20:52 376 98 51511 6-12 -870 284 915 2638 A0 DF DR EE P1 PE Q4 17022107 21-Feb-2017 06:36:00 06:36:30 06:38:08 128 47 9187 6-12 -851 230 882 0 A0 DF P1 PE Q2 17022102 21-Feb-2017 06:41:16 06:43:58 06:50:20 544 136 61515 6-12 -792 456 914 0 A0 DF P1 PE Q2 17022108 21-Feb-2017 07:57:36 07:58:26 08:05:12 456 53 33977 6-12 769 -148 784 0 A0 DF DR P1 PE Q4 SS 17022103 21-Feb-2017 11:15:16 11:23:10 11:26:16 660 262 71591 6-12 -790 351 864 2638 A0 DF P1 PE Q2 17022104 21-Feb-2017 11:26:16 11:30:58 11:33:00 404 263 81165 6-12 -790 351 864 2638 A0 DF P1 PE Q2 17022105 21-Feb-2017 11:33:00 11:34:02 11:36:24 204 488 60676 6-12 -790 351 864 2638 A0 DF P1 PE Q2 17022110 21-Feb-2017 13:54:40 13:56:30 13:58:44 244 57 18619 6-12 -791 374 875 2638 A0 DF P1 PE Q3 SE 17022201 22-Feb-2017 01:35:28 01:45:42 01:45:48 620 448 130426 6-12 -769 374 855 2638 A0 DF DR EE P1 PE Q4 17022205 22-Feb-2017 12:38:28 12:40:18 12:44:08 340 74 27279 6-12 -650 397 762 2638 A0 DF P1 PE Q2 17022203 22-Feb-2017 13:21:36 13:26:58 13:30:20 524 6257 5460185 12-25 -698 391 800 2638 A0 DF ES P1 PE Q4 SE 17022204 22-Feb-2017 21:12:48 21:13:02 21:36:48 1440 392 214631 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DR ES NS PE Q3 17022309 23-Feb-2017 08:39:52 08:41:02 08:49:36 584 108 61763 6-12 -568 393 691 0 A0 DF DR P1 PE Q4 SS 17022302 23-Feb-2017 15:09:40 15:13:46 15:18:32 532 112 59786 6-12 -490 431 652 2638 A0 P1 PE Q2 SS 17022303 23-Feb-2017 18:22:52 18:28:02 18:35:36 764 108 105696 6-12 -489 391 626 0 A0 DR EE P1 PE Q4 SS 17022304 23-Feb-2017 20:46:16 20:51:18 21:44:00 3464 2293 3826103 12-25 -410 411 580 2638 A0 DR EE ES P1 PE Q4 17022311 23-Feb-2017 23:56:56 00:11:22 00:24:04 1628 2854 826666 12-25 -427 429 606 2638 A0 DF DR P1 PE Q3 17022402 24-Feb-2017 17:11:12 17:20:50 17:31:24 1212 79 138976 6-12 -250 420 489 2638 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q4 SE 17022504 25-Feb-2017 23:01:24 23:13:58 23:58:48 3444 290 770495 6-12 -576 268 635 0 A0 DR EE ES PE PS Q4 17022602 26-Feb-2017 00:35:36 00:52:38 01:33:00 3444 340 864827 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DR EE ES NS PE Q4 17022603 26-Feb-2017 02:09:48 02:20:06 03:07:16 3448 408 939303 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR EE ES NS PE Q5 17022604 26-Feb-2017 03:56:00 03:56:42 04:24:08 1688 332 391977 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR NS PE Q4 SS 17022617 26-Feb-2017 21:27:40 21:56:34 21:57:44 1804 239 334164 6-12 969 47 970 0 A0 DF DR EE P1 PE Q4 17022618 26-Feb-2017 22:34:36 22:48:22 23:04:12 1776 340 528339 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR ES NS PE Q4 17022601 26-Feb-2017 23:04:12 23:17:50 23:20:08 956 698 325232 6-12 -430 271 508 2640 A0 DF DR P1 PE Q3 17022619 26-Feb-2017 23:20:08 23:23:14 23:31:56 708 504 401387 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR EE NS PE Q4 17022701 27-Feb-2017 00:08:48 00:20:30 00:39:48 1860 564 778296 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR ES NS PE Q4 17022702 27-Feb-2017 00:39:48 01:04:22 01:06:08 1580 524 623297 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR EE NS PE Q4 17022703 27-Feb-2017 01:43:04 02:39:10 02:40:24 3440 560 1420388 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR EE ES NS PE Q5 17022704 27-Feb-2017 03:27:36 03:28:50 04:14:36 2820 612 1208682 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR EE NS PE Q5 SS 17022705 27-Feb-2017 05:07:24 05:07:42 05:32:48 1524 434 532891 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR NS PE Q4 SS 17022707 27-Feb-2017 05:37:36 05:48:18 05:48:48 672 467 261932 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR EE NS PE Q4 17022708 27-Feb-2017 06:46:24 06:46:58 07:04:40 1096 402 335003 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR NS PE Q4 SS 17022709 27-Feb-2017 07:04:40 07:21:30 07:23:00 1100 368 303334 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF EE NS PE Q3 17022710 27-Feb-2017 08:24:56 08:29:22 08:36:04 668 352 169280 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF NS PE Q3 SS 17022713 27-Feb-2017 08:45:08 08:51:42 08:57:12 724 339 199686 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF EE NS PE Q3 17022714 27-Feb-2017 10:02:24 10:14:02 10:17:56 932 333 191824 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF NS PE Q3 SS 17022715 27-Feb-2017 10:17:56 10:29:26 10:31:24 808 318 189265 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF EE PE PS Q3 17022729 27-Feb-2017 18:59:20 19:07:30 19:56:40 3440 310 794512 6-12 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR EE ES P1 PE Q5 17022730 27-Feb-2017 20:33:36 20:50:42 21:30:52 3436 373 944761 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR EE ES NS PE Q5 17022731 27-Feb-2017 22:07:48 22:12:26 22:35:56 1688 363 527300 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR ES NS PE Q4 17022732 27-Feb-2017 22:35:56 22:57:54 23:05:04 1748 374 446149 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR EE NS PE Q4 17022733 27-Feb-2017 23:42:00 23:52:42 00:22:24 2424 360 752811 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR ES NS PE Q4 17022804 28-Feb-2017 00:22:24 00:35:42 00:39:16 1012 446 395118 6-12 145 -1146 1155 0 A0 DF DR EE P1 PE Q4 17022805 28-Feb-2017 01:16:12 01:21:26 02:13:28 3436 361 871453 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR EE ES NS PE Q5 17022806 28-Feb-2017 02:59:12 03:01:58 03:47:44 2912 317 625825 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DF DR EE NS PE Q5 SS 17022803 28-Feb-2017 06:25:40 06:29:14 06:32:56 436 444 153633 6-12 -632 331 713 2641 A0 DF P1 PE Q2 Notes: Note that only events with non-zero position and energy range not equal to 3-6 keV are confirmed as solar sources. Events which have no position and show up mostly in the front detectors, but were not able to be imaged are flagged as "PS". Events which do not have valid position are only confirmed to be non-solar if the NS flag is set. Peak Rate: peak counts/second in energy range 6-12 keV, averaged over active collimators, including background. Total Counts: counts in energy range 6-12 keV integrated over duration of flare summed over all subcollimators, including background. Energy: the highest energy band in which the flare was observed. Radial Distance: distance from Sun center Quality Codes: Qn, where n is the total number of data gap, SAA, particle, eclipse or decimation flags set for event. n ranges from 0 to 11. Use care when analyzing the data when the quality is not zero. Flare Flag Codes: a0 - In attenuator state 0 (None) sometime during flare a1 - In attenuator state 1 (Thin) sometime during flare a2 - In attenuator state 2 (Thick) sometime during flare a3 - In attenuator state 3 (Both) sometime during flare An - Attenuator state (0=None, 1=Thin, 2=Thick, 3=Both) at peak of flare DF - Front segment counts were decimated sometime during flare DR - Rear segment counts were decimated sometime during flare ED - Spacecraft eclipse (night) sometime during flare EE - Flare ended in spacecraft eclipse (night) ES - Flare started in spacecraft eclipse (night) FE - Flare ongoing at end of file FR - In Fast Rate Mode FS - Flare ongoing at start of file GD - Data gap during flare GE - Flare ended in data gap GS - Flare started in data gap MR - Spacecraft in high-latitude zone during flare NS - Non-solar event PE - Particle event: Particles are present PS - Possible Solar Flare; in front detectors, but no position Pn - Position Quality: P0 = Position is NOT valid, P1 = Position is valid Qn - Data Quality: Q0 = Highest Quality, Q11 = Lowest Quality SD - Spacecraft was in SAA sometime during flare SE - Flare ended when spacecraft was in SAA SS - Flare started when spacecraft was in SAA