DEFAULT ENERGY BINNING SCHEMES A number of count energy binning schemes are defined for use in the spectrum object and hessi_build_srm. They are stored in the files $SSWDB_HESSI/spec_resp/ct_edges.x where x is the scheme number. You can select one of these schemes by setting the sp_energy_binning control parameter in the spectrum object to the scheme number (first column below). If none of these schemes fits your needs, you can define energy bins by setting sp_energy_binning to an array of low/high energy edges ( fltarr(2,n) ). The count and photon bins (used in DRM) are initially set to the edges in the selected scheme or in the user-specified array. The count bins are always truncated at 20 MeV. The photon bins are always truncated at 150 MeV. If the highest truncated photon bin is the same as the highest count bin, photon bins are added up to twice the count high edge (will be no higher than 40 MeV because of count bin truncation). If the insert_kedges parameter in the spectrum object is enabled (the default), the photon bins straddling the k-edges for Mo, Ge, and W, will be split into two bins. Examples ( assuming insert_kedges is set): For binning code 14, there will be 77 count bins up to 250 keV, and 80 photon edges up to 500 keV. For binning code 26, there will be 925 count bins up to 20 MeV, and 993 photon bins up to 150 MeV. Energy Binning Schemes: 0 3 bins Three energy bands, 10 keV wide, starting from 20 keV. Used mostly for quick software checks, but it could be useful for some hard x-ray work. 1 97 bins 1-keV bands, covering 3 to 100 keV. Possibly good for high-resolution hard-x-ray work (fitting thermal and nonthermal emission, etc.) 2 5 bins The three bands from "0" plus 50-100 and 100-200 keV bands; we will probably use this binning for a lot of non-solar work with the rear segments. 3 7 bins A broad band from 20 to 200 keV followed by 6 narrow bands (4-keV wide) to 224 keV. Used in software debugging. 4 1000 bins 1-keV bands from 3 to 1003 keV. Mostly useful for generating finely-detailed response matrices for debugging and display purposes. 5 563 bins 1-keV each from 3 to 100 keV, then 5-keV bands to 1820 keV, and 10-keV to 2500. In addition, there are sections of fine binning around the 511 keV and 2.2 MeV lines. This is a good choice for first-look spectroscopy of gamma-ray flares. 6 197 bins 1-keV bands covering 3 to 100 keV, then 5-keV bands to 600 keV. A more complete binning than "1" for studying hard x-ray continuum spectra out to higher energies. 7 19 bins 10-keV bands from 10 to 100 keV, then 50-keV bands to 600 keV. Good for survey work to select spectra for closer analysis with "6". 8 77 bins 3-keV bands from 4 to 118 keV, then 15-keV bands up to 703 keV. Intermediate between "6" and "7" in memory use for hard x-ray work. 9 4 bins 12-keV bands from 200 to 248 keV. Another debugging mode. 10 9 bins Pseudo-logarithmic binning covering the entire HESSI energy range. The bin edges are at [3, 6, 12, 25, 50, 100, 300, 1000, 2500, 20000] keV. These spectra should contain all the events in the HESSI data stream (minus any rejected by event selection criteria like segment choices or coincidence rejection). Potentially useful for quick screening to separate x-ray from gamma-ray flares, etc. 11 791 bins Detailed binning for fine analysis of large gamma-ray line flares. 1-keV channels from 3 to 100 keV, then 5-keV channels to 1820 kev, interrupted by 0.5-keV channels across the 511 keV line (500-520), then 10-keV channels to 2.5 MeV, interrupted by 1-keV channels across the 2223 keV neutron capture line, then 25 keV channels to 6.4 MeV, and then 50 keV channels to 10 MeV. 12 517 bins Somewhat more "economical" binning for gamma flares. 1 keV binning from 3 to 60 keV, 2 keV to 120 keV, 5 keV to 250 keV, 10 keV to 2250 keV (interruptions at 511 for 0.5 keV binning and 2223 for 1 keV binning as in "11"), 50 keV binning to 7.2 MeV, 200 keV binning to 17.0 MeV. 13 129 bins Coarse, full-energy-range (3 keV to 16 MeV) binning for weak to moderate gamma flares in which the only individual lines visible are 511 keV and 2223 keV. Resolution is high at low energies (3 keV up to 60 keV), then rapidly gets coarser until the bins are 2 MeV broad above 10 MeV. There is a single narrowish bin to contain each of the two lines. 14 77 bins For hard x-ray flares; empirically designed after looking at some real events. 1-keV bins from 3 to 40 keV, 3-keV bins up to 100 keV, 5-keV bins up to 150 keV, 10 keV bins to 250 keV. 15 4500 bins For long-term background accumulations; from 3 keV to 9453 keV in 4500 bins of 2.1 keV width. 16 797 bins Similar to 11, for fine analysis of large gamma-ray line flares. The only difference from 11 is finer (2 keV) bins around 847 keV. 17 936 bins A further elaboration beyond 11 and 16, for large gamma-ray line flares. Starting from the binning of 11, it adds 2 keV binning around lines at 339, 450, 847, 937, 1369, 1238, 1634, and 1778 keV, and broadens the region of fine binning around 511 keV. 18 908 bins Improved binning for large flares spanning 250 to 10000 keV. 19 916 bins Gamma-ray line flare code like 17, but with 1 keV bins around 511. 20 888 bins Gamma-ray line flare code like 18, but with 1 keV bins around 511. 21 497 bins Gamma-ray line flare code like 12, but with 1 keV bins around 511. 22 101 bins .3 keV binning from 3 to 15 keV, 1 keV to 50 keV, 5 keV to 100 keV, and 10 keV to 300 keV. Good for fine energy resolution analysis of the Iron line. 23 630 bins Gamma-ray line flare code. Same as 21, but extended to 150 MeV with 133 additional 1 Mev wide bins. (Note: photon bins will extend to the top of the range, but count bins will not exceed 20 MeV.) 24 958 bins 25 1141 bins Gamma-ray line flare code for moderate resolution. (Note: photon bins will extend to the top of the range, but count bins will not exceed 20 MeV.) 5 keV up to 1.5 MeV, 10 keV from 1.5 to 3 MeV 15 keV from 3 MeV to 8 MeV, 20 keV from 8 MeV to 12 MeV, 200 keV bins to 17.0 MeV, 1 MeV to 150 MeV. 26 990 bins Gamma-ray line code. (Note: photon bins will extend to the top of the range, but count bins will not exceed 20 MeV.) 5 keV bins 5-500 keV 1 keV bins 500-520 keV 5 keV bins 520-1800 keV 10 keV bins 1800-2210 keV 1 keV bins 2210-2230 keV 10 keV bins 2230-2500 keV 15 keV bins 2500-8500 keV 50 keV bins 8500-10000 keV 200 keV bins 10000-16000 keV NB: count edges teminated at 20000keV 2000 keV bins 16000-150000 keV 27 2452 bins 1 keV bins 3-2300 keV 500 keV bins 2300-10000 keV 1000 keV bins 10000-150000 keV 28 963 bins 5 keV bins 5-500 keV 2 keV bins 500-520 keV 5 keV bins 520-1800 keV 10 keV bins 1800-2500 keV 15 keV bins 2500-8500 keV 50 keV bins 8500-10000 keV 200 keV bins 10000-16000 keV 2000 keV bins 16000-150000 keV 29 128 bins .3 keV bins 3-10 keV, increasing logarithmically to ~10 keV at 300 keV