Imaging Spectroscopy Regions

When input to OSPEX is an imagecube, use the Region Selection tool for defining up to 4 regions (ROIs) in each image to select which parts of each image to use to compute spectra through the image cube.

The following parameters control region selection and use:

spex_roi_use - Selects which region(s) to use to compute spectra. Any image that does not have that region defined will not be used in the fitting process.
Example: o->set, spex_roi_use = 1 or o->set, spex_roi_use=[0,1]

spex_roi_integrate - If set, all regions defined are used to compute spectrum.

spex_roi_infile - If set to an existing IDL save file compatible with the current imagecube file (same number of times and energies), then regions are initialized to regions in file. (File was written by OSPEX by specifing spex_roi_outfile, or calling save_roi method). To unset, set to blank string.

spex_roi_outfile - Name of output save file to write region selection in. To unset, set to blank string.

spex_roi_size - The size of each image in the Region Selection tool panel display in device pixels. Default is 50.

spex_roi_expand - The factor to expand selected images by in the Region selection tool. Default is 3.

spex_roi_color - Color table to use for panels in Region Selection tool. Default is 5.