ZTOOLS - fits image manipulation routines

Craig DeForest

These routines are for manipulating fits files, and were by-and-large designed for manipulation of solar images. They all use the standard FITS alignment tags to keep track of the image-plane coordinate system.

They're not in the public domain; they are copyrighted (© Craig DeForest). You may copy, distribute, and use them for any non-commercial purpose. If you want to use the routines or any derivative for a commercial purpose, you must cover RSI's IDL support registration fee for me for a period of one year.


The download package includes three directories: "util", "images" and "images/xform". All three directories must be in your IDL !PATH variable. You must, in particular, include the ztools "util" directory, which contains quirky utilities like isvalid that are used by these routines.

If you want to use ZTRACK, you will also need supporting routines from the CDS instrument software tree (notably anytim2utc by Bill Thompson and hel2arcmin by Liyun Wang.) These are available on the solar software tree developed by Sam Freeland and Mons Morrison.


the current library in compressed, tarred form -- if you dare! (You'll get the misc directory and the images directory, plus the "xform" subdirectory). Caveat you get the last version I happened to tar up. If you want the very latest stuff, please send me email and ask to have it updated.

What is What (Abridged Functional Index)

Here is a summary of the more useful routines, broken out by rough function. The really useful ones merit their own lines; moderately useful ones are merely mentioned.

Image Manipulation and Co-Alignment
(See also the FIXINATE_* routines for information on calibrating headers).

Coordinate Transformations and Image Distortion

Image comparison and overlay

Complete Index by Alphabet

Overlay a circular image into the center of a larger image. Useful for overlaying coronagraph and on-disk solar data.

Fix up the aspect ratio of an image with nonsquare pixels, for easier manipulation.

Clip out a portion of an image, in image coordinates

Generate a 1-bit array that's a countour map of the given image

Attempt to generate relative alignment information between two images, using correlation analysis.

Perform D4 group transformations (the symmetry group of a square) on an image. Saves processing power, over using ZSCALE or ZMATCH. But I almost never use it -- Hodges' Law has worked its magic several times since I wrote this, and my computer's fast enough now that I usually use ZSCALE instead.

Degrade a fits image by NxN pixel averaging.

Project a heliographic image back into the image plane of an instrument. Especially useful in combination with ZHELIOGRAPHINIZE, to view the Sun as seen from a different angle or time. (Caveat: this isn't a coronal tomography routine -- it only works by mapping the image plane to the surface of the Sun.)

Even cheaper than ZD4, flips the vertical axis of an image. Updates the header appropriately. I never use this anymore -- ZSCALE works well enough, though this is much more efficient.

This draws a radial image-plane co-ordinate system in the current window, aligned with the header you give it. The main use is for testing whether an image's header is really co-aligned with the image itself.

Project an image into heliographic co-ordinates: longitude and latitude referred to the central meridian that is directly under the viewpoint. An arbitrary differential-rotation delay can be added in. Useful for magnetic modelling or for looking at proper motions of stuff near the surface of the Sun.

Reproject an image to appear as though you're at a different vantage point and/or time -- you specify the latitude, longitude, and time at which you wish you were observing, and the image is transformed to appear as though you were looking straight down on it. Uses ZHELIOGRAPHINIZE and ZDEHELIOGRAPHINIZE, so it's a little slower than it could be -- but, hey, it works like a champ. Called ZHOVER because it can be used to simulate "hovering" over a part of the Sun. (Remember that ZHOVER doesn't do stereoscopy: it treats all image features as if they were painted on the surface of the Sun.)

Overlay a magnetogram on top of another image, by threshhold replacement. Weak magnetic fields do not affect the original image; strong ones cause pixel-by-pixel replacement. Works only on bytscled images.

Given an original image and a target image header, move, rotate, and scale the original image to the same coordinates as the target image.

Overlay a pair of images on top of one another, after scaling to match.

Generate a PostScript image of a fits file, with centering, labelling, and optional grid (from ZGRID).

Scale, translate, and/or rotate a FITS image arbitrarily.

Given a point in image-plane pixel co-ordinates, transform other image headers so that the point is kept stationary in the image plane as the Sun rotates. (Uses Liyun Wang's "arcmin2hel" and "hel2arcmin" routines).

Convert a solar image to radial, polar image-plane coordinates. Useful for looking at coronal expansion ratios or for combining images with several different fields of view (eg you can view LASCO C-3 and Yohkoh together in a meaningful way).

Convert a polar image from ZUNWRAP back to regular angular image-plane co-ordinates.

This page maintained by Craig DeForest, zowie@urania.nascom.nasa.gov.
The ``responsible NASA official'' (who hasn't seen it) is Art Poland.