Gamma Ray Imaging with a Rotating ModulatorAstronomy And Astrophysics 120, 150-155 (1983)
Oi = (b + s Si)T,
In practice, the source strength s may be extracted from the
observation vector O by first multiplying through by a function
whose average is zero, namely
where <Sj> =
Then, summing over the i components of the vector, the background contribution drops out:
= sTNc(<Sj2> - <Sj>2)
The standard deviation associated with the number of counts in the ith
component is. for Gaussian statistics,
(Oi)½ = ({b+sSji}T)½
Since the standard deviations add as the square root of the sum of the squares,
the standard deviation associated with the above is
= Nc½(
=(bTNc)½ ((<Sj2> - <Sj>2))½
for b >> s. Thus the statistical significance of the observation
s(TNc/b)½ ((<Sj2> - <Sj>2))½
or just proportional to the square root of the variance of the sky vector.
Notes transcribed from GH.
Oi=observed counts in time bin i
B=background (assumed constant)
Pim=probability of photon passage at pixel m, time i
Sm=true source strength at pixel m (presumed a point
A=effective area of collimator
T=time in time bin i (assumed equal for all time bins)
from which GH derived:
Sm= i Oi
( Pim - <Pm >)/ {AT ( <
Pm2 > - <Pm >2)}
where < Pm 2 > is the mean square of
Pim, averaged over time, and <Pm >2
is the squared mean, averaged over time.
The expressions for the point source strength in back projection and (also MEM?) must be replaced with the time-averaged values of equation (2) for Sm.