EJS 9/9/98



The score simulations are stored in fits files with a header like the following:


Each score is named uniquely in the form "scorennnnnnnnn.fits", where nnnnnnnnn is the 9-digit time returned by IDL's long(systime(1)). The associated aspect savefile, whose name appears in the score header, is named in parallel form: "aspectnnnnnnnnn.sav", where the 9-digit "magic number" is the same as that for its associated score.


The simulated aspect save files are created at the same time as the scores (in model_to_score.pro), and consist of a 3 x N floating-point array (t_dxdy) of times (µsec) and dx, dy displacements (arc sec) of the telescope axis from sun center: Each of the dx and dy values are for a simulated event time appearing in the score fits file, so there is a one-to-one agreement of times in both the score fits file and the associated aspect save file. The angular orientation of the (dx,dy) frame is parallel to the x,y coordinate system of the modulation patterns. The orientations of the latter are defined only relative to the flare site through its x,y coordinates. No orientation relative to solar north is defined.

In the August 1998 version of the program "model_to_score.pro", it is assumed that there is a perfect linear relationship between telescope rotation angle phi and time. Thus dphi/dt is exactly constant. This may well not be the case on the actual satellite.

The (dx,dy) pairs in the aspect save file are used in the Monte Carlo process (model_to_score.pro) which selects or rejects photons for the score. The aspect save file retains only those pairs for which photons are accepted, These dx,dy values are required for subsequent image reconstruction, and are used by score_bproj.pro to shift the modulation patterns by the appropriate amounts.


Written Sept. 9, 1998.