This archive of GOES EUV data contains the raw 10-sec data and flags in daily ASCII text files for the EUVA, EUVB, and EUVE channels on the GOES 13, 14, and 15 satellites. The original data is on in yearly files (separate data and flags files) and is described here: The daily files in this archive were written by combines the data and flag data as well as possible, but if the flags or data are missing for a period, that period is not written at all in the daily output files. Also, if the counts data from the original yearly file has <5 unique values for a given day, that daily file is not written. The GOES object (and GOES workbench) makes it easy to select time interval, satellite, and channel and plot these data, either as is or cleaned (filters out data during calibrations, eclipses, offpointing, etc). For remote users, the software finds the requested data on hesperia and copies the required files to their computer before plotting. The GOES object and workbench are described here: Kim Tolbert, 13-Apr-2016