Web Sites

HESSI Data Handling

SOC Main Data Flow Diagram

HESSI Data Products

bullet FITS files: Telemetry Packets with Appended Catalog Data
bullet Daily Catalog Files, online
bullet Whole Mission Flare list, online
bullet Filedb FITS file, contains File names, time ranges, online
bullet CD List file, contains CD names, Files on each CD, online
bullet Catalog for vc2 data, for each contact, online, but not permanently

Hessi Catalog:

bullet Observing Summary: (Implemented)
bullet spin-averaged count rates in 9 energy bands, summed over detectors
bullet particle detector rates
bullet modulation variance, 2 Coarsest collimators
bullet S/C position
bullet Instrument Log: (Partially Implemented) Housekeeping, State of Health data for systems
bullet Flare List: (Implemented)
bullet Id number
bullet Start, peak and end times, in energy range [3.0, 20.0] keV
bullet peak count rate
bullet total counts
bullet Highest energy of observed photons
bullet Flare position, arcsec from Sun center
bullet Flags for flares that start/end in Eclipse or SAA
bullet Spectral catalog: (Not Implemented)
bullet count and photon spectra as a function of time
bullet Thermal + double power law photon spectra,
bullet dE = E/2 energy resolution.
bullet Image catalog: (Partially Implemented)
bullet Images in the energy bands given by the Observing Summary, If possible, Cadence determined by Count Rate. (Presently only 4 second peak)

Hessi Soc Tests:

bullet Local Tests: vc1 & vc3 simulated in raw data files, (no headers or frames). Realistic orbit data, HSI_CONTACT2FITS run from IDL session by JMM. Results in simulated data files online at http://hessi.ssl.berkeley.edu/data/test_data/.
bullet Test of SOC scripts: vc1 & vc3, simulated data, passed into ITOS, HSI_CONTACT2FITS run in script by TEQ, script then queues the data for CD production and FTP.
bullet End-to-End test: vc1 & vc3 from HESSI, no orbit data, no "flare", FITS file with Obs summary, but no flare list.

Link to NASA Home Page

Responsible NASA Official:  Gordon D. Holman

Web Design:  Merrick Berg, Brian Dennis, Gordon Holman, & Gilbert Prevost

Heliophysics Science Division
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Laboratory for Solar Physics/ Code 671
Greenbelt, MD, 20771, USA

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This site last updated November 10, 2008.