Messenger Daily Plots and Movies Kim Tolbert, 24-July-2014 This directory contains daily plots of the Messenger data and yearly movies of those plots. The purpose of the plots is to show what data is filtered out by the SSW routine and why. Read_messenger_pds can be called standalone, but is usually called in the OSPEX spectral analysis package. Top panel of plots: The green and cyan traces show the raw data rates in a low and high energy range. The ratio of the low to high is plotted in white with the axis on the right. The ratio is used to determine when Messenger is in the night part of the orbit (Sun is blocked by Mercury). When the ratio is 100 (shown with a white dotted line) or greater, Messenger is in night. Messenger started orbiting Mercury ~4-March-2011. Middle Panel: The red trace shows the temperature of the detector in degrees C. Before 5_march-2012, temperatures up to 19 degrees C are OK. After that date, the maximum allowed temperature is 2. The white trace shows the Bias Voltage with the axis on the right. Good values are above 110. The dotted red and white lines show the cutoff level for temperature and voltage. Bottom Panel: Shows the data remaining after filtering for night, temperature, and voltage, as well as several periods of known 'bad' data. The green and cyan traces are the same two energy bands shown in the top panel. Three additional traces show the count rates in the 4-6, 6-8, and 8-9.5 keV bands. In the top two panels, points marked with an asterisk are considered 'bad'. For each condition found, a few points on either side of the condition are also unreliable. The 'bad' data is set to 0. The bottom plot has gaps (or sometimes no data at all for the day) where the data is bad.