RHESSI Decimation/Event Download Status Record

Normally, every event in the RHESSI germanium detectors is recorded and sent to the ground. Events include energy deposits (mostly photons) up to the limits for spectroscopy (around 2.7 MeV in the front segments and 17 MeV in the rear segments), Upper Level Discriminator (ULD) events for which we only know that the energy is higher than these limits (most of these are cosmic-ray interactions), and "resets", which are events in which the charge-sensitive preamplifier is actively drained of accumulated charge. Charge accumulates due to photon and particle events and also due to leakage current across the detector.

In order to control the data rate into RHESSI's onboard solid-state recorder (SSR), events can be eliminated in several ways. Reset events can be disabled one detector segment or more at a time. Events can be commanded off entirely one segment or more at a time. Finally, events can be "decimated" one segment at a time. When decimation is active in a segment, it is controlled by two 4-bit quantities: the first sets an energy threshold below which counts will be removed, and the second establishes what fraction of the events will be retained. For example, if the decimation control value of a rear segment has the hexadecimal code a3, it means that there is an energy threshold of roughly a*50 = 500 keV below 3/4 events are deleted. All events above the threshold are downlinked.

Decimation usually occurs automatically in the front segments whenever the SSR is more than 50% full. The energy level and depth of decimation is a function of the exact SSR state and the attenuator state. The details are in this document. The attenuator state at any moment is available as a flag in the observing summary data available from the Solarsoft command line or the RHESSI GUI. Changes in attenuator strategy (e.g which attenuator states was the system allowed to choose from on a given day) are tabulated on the attenuator state page.

Decimation in the rear segments is commanded for particular fixed times rather than being dependent on spacecraft conditions. These commands to date are summarized below, although the instantaneous decimation state during an observation of interest can also be returned by the data analysis software.

Most users of RHESSI data will have no use for reset or ULD events. But for the front segments, the resets are useful for helping us identify and compensate for frequent data dropouts lasting a fraction of a second, which we believe are probably due to the interaction of heavy cosmic-ray nuclei in the detectors.

Each line in the table represents actions taken during a single satellite contact with the Berkeley Ground Station. Times are approximate times for the pass, so the moment of motion can be anywhere within about 10 minutes of the time shown. More precise times are available if needed -- see the contact information below.

The first table tracks changes in front segment decimation, the second in rear segment decimation. Abbreviations are as follows:

O = off (all events in that segment are off)

A = all (all events in that segment are on)

?? = a two digit hexadecimal number (e.g., 93) indicating a specific depth and energy threshold for the decimation (see description above)

r = resets from the segment are shut off

u = upper level discriminator (ULD; mostly cosmic ray) events from the segment are shut off

R = resets are allowed

U = ULD events are allowed

N = the state described is active during spacecraft night

H = The spacecraft is in a region of high magnetic latitude

[N+H]: = the state described is active during simultaneous conditions of spacecraft night and high magnetic latitude. There is an ascii table of when these conditions applied during the beginning of these operations.

D: = the state described is active during spacecraft day, or else during the condition not otherwise described (e.g. if a decimation condition is specified for H, then D means "not H").

B?,? = For day/night switching, indicates the approximate number of minutes after sunset and before sunrise, respectively, during which the "day" mode is allowed to overlap into the nighttime period

G?: = the detector under the grid indicated by ? (1-9) is in a different state, as shown

T? = For the front segments, a table number, describing the automated decimation based on the remaining solid state recorder (SSR) capacity and the attenuator state. The tables can be viewed by clicking on the entry ("T1", "T3", etc.) below.

************REAR SEGMENTS****************
YEARMONTHDAYHOURMINUTEState (see abbreviations above)
2002 02 12 00 00A
2002 02 16 01 40A, G2:O
2002 02 16 20 40A, G2:O, G1:O
2002 02 17 19 10r
2002 02 17 22 30r,93
2002 02 19 19 20r
2002 03 ?? ?? ??D:r N:r,93
2002 03 30 05 00r
2002 05 03 05 00 D:r [N+H]:r,83 B:2,2
2002 06 13 00 00 D:r N:O B:2,2
2002 06 14 00 00 D:r H:r,83 B:2,2
2002 06 25 00 00 D:r [N+H]:r,83 B:2,2
2002 06 27 00 00 D:r N:r,83 B:2,2
2002 07 11 00 00 D:r H:r,83 B:2,2
2002 12 12 04 30 r
2002 12 20 01 40 D:r H:r,43 B:2,2
2003 ** 05 14 06 15 D:r H:r,43 (83) B:2,2
2003 05 27 23 51 D:r H:r,43 B:2,2
2003 06 11 21 27 D:r H:r,43 B:2,2 N:O
2003 06 19 00 00 D:r H:r,43 B:2,2
2003 ** 06 25 19 39 D:r H:r,43 (83) B:2,2
2003 08 11 21 30 D:r H:r,43 B:2,2
2003 08 13 18 07 D:r H:r,85 B:2,2
2003 09 03 05 11 D:r H:r,43 B:2,2
2003 09 06 00 23 D:r H:r,83 B:2,2
2003 09 09 00 26 D:r H:r,43 B:2,2
2003 09 17 22 55 D:r H:r,83 B:2,2
2003 09 19 22 50 D:r H:r,85 B:2,2
2003 09 24 00 44 D:r H:r,83 B:2,2
2003 10 22 03 33 D:r H:r,85 B:2,2
2003 12 16 04 55 D:r H:r,83 B:2,2
2003 12 17 06 32 D:r H:r,43 B:2,2
2004 ?? ?? ?? ?? D:r H:r,83 B:2,2
2004 08 09 22 53 D:r H:r,85 B:2,2
2004 08 13 22 57 D:r H:r,83 B:2,2
2004 08 14 17 55 D:r H:r,85 B:2,2
2004 08 23 16 05 D:r H:r,83 B:2,2
2004 08 26 17 47 D:r H:r,43 B:2,2
2004 09 14 01 01 D:r H:r,83 B:2,2
2004 09 30 21 25 D:r H:r,85 B:2,2
2005 05 04 18 43 D:r H:r,83 B:2,2

** Due to incomplete commanding routines, at this time we believed we were commanding the rear decimation parameters to 83, but there was in fact no change.

************FRONT SEGMENTS****************
YEARMONTHDAYHOURMINUTEState (see abbreviations above)
2002 02 12 00 00A
2002 03 19 05 58 T1
2002 03 30 05 00D: T1 N:O B:4,4
2002 08 07 ?? ??D: T2 N:O B:4,4
2002 11 15 19 52D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2002 12 12 04 30 O
2002 12 12 08 45 T3
2002 12 20 01 40 D: T3,r,u N:O B:4,4
2003 0109 20 03 D: T4,r,u N:O B:4,4
2003 01 10 21 49 D: T3,r,u N:O B:4,4
2003 01 22 10 36 D: T4,r,u N:O B:4,4
2003 01 25 05 51 D: T3,r,u N:O B:4,4
2003 03 18 17 00 D: T4 **T4 decimation levels were loaded but the SSR level thresholds remained in the T3 state.**,r,u N:O B:4,4
2003 03 22 05 32 D: T3,r,u N:O B:4,4
2003 04 05 01 01 D: T4,r,u N:O B:4,4
2003 04 07 23 19 D: T3,r,u N:O B:4,4
2003 04 11 21 39 D: T3 N:R,U B:4,4
2003 04 16 00 22 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2003 04 23 18 47 D: T4 N:O B:4,4
2003 05 14 06 15 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2003 05 27 23 51 D: T4 N:O B:4,4
2003 06 14 22 44 D: T5 N:O B:4,4
2003 06 16 17 48 D: T4 N:O B:4,4
2003 06 20 21 10 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2003 07 11 08 20 D: T4 N:O B:4,4
2003 07 31 22 50 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2003 08 14 18 08 D: T4 N:O B:4,4
2003 09 06 00 23 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2003 09 19 22 50 D: T4 N:O B:4,4
2003 09 24 00 44 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2003 09 30 00 48 D: T4 N:O B:4,4
2003 10 06 21 35 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2003 10 22 03 33 D: T4 N:O B:4,4
2003 11 10 22 47 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2003 11 12 21 05 D: T4 N:O B:4,4
2003 12 05 18 03 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2004 01 05 22 08 D: T4 N:O B:4,4
2004 01 13 00 00 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2004 06 21 19 11 D: T5 N:O B:4,4
2004 06 24 14 10 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2004 08 09 22 53 D: T4 N:O B:4,4
2004 08 13 22 57 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2004 08 14 17 55 D: T4 N:O B:4,4
2004 08 23 16 05 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2004 09 01 07 53 D: T3
2004 09 15 01 08 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2004 10 01 21 24 D: T5 N:O B:4,4
2004 10 04 21 22 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2004 10 14 16 17 D: T6 N:O B:4,4
2004 11 3 ?? ?? D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2004 11 12 21 41 D: T3 N:O B:4,4
2005 05 04 18 43 D: T4 N:O B:4,4

This page is maintained by David Smith, who can be reached at dsmith (at) ssl.berkeley.edu