All RHESSI PhD, Master, Diploma, Bachelor and Senior Theses (208)
Last updated: 9-Mar-2018
PhD Theses (159)Master's Theses (33)Diploma Theses (8)Bachelor's Theses (2)Senior Theses (6)Summary by Institution and Location |
Codes:AST - Astrophysics (8)GRB - Gamma-ray Burst (10)INS - Instrumentation (7)SOL - Solar (171)TGF - Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (12) |
- Duncan, N., 2017, University of California, Berkeley
[SOL] Gamma-Ray Observations of Solar Flares with RHESSI Imaging Spectroscopy and the GRIPS Instrument - Motorina, G., 2017, Pulkovo Observatory
[SOL] Dynamics of plasma heating and energy distributions of accelerated electrons during solar flares based on X-ray and ultraviolet emission - Codispoti, A., 2016, University of Genova
[SOL] Analytic and Numerical Studies of the Electron Continuity Equation in Solar Flares - Giordano, S., 2016, University of Genova
[SOL] Analytic forward model and numerical inversion methods for the STIX imaging problem - Kerr, G., 2016, University of Glasgow
[SOL] Observations and modelling of the chromosphere during solar flares - Kushwaha, U.K.S., 2016, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
[SOL] Multi-wavelength Investigations of Solar Eruptive Phenomena - Musset, S., 2016, Observatoire de Paris
[SOL] Acceleration and Transport of Energetic Particles in the Solar Corona: from the analysis of RHESSI data to the preparation of exploitation of STIX data on Solar Orbiter - Stackhouse, D., 2016, University of Glasgow
[SOL] The Acceleration and Transport of Electron Populations in Solar Flares - Zeng, Z., 2016, New Jersey Institute of Technology
[SOL] New facet of solar activities revealed by high-resolution imaging at He I 10830 Å - Dahlin, J. T., 2015, University of Maryland
[SOL] Electron Acceleration in Magnetic Reconnection - Li, D., 2015, Purple Mountain Observatory
[SOL] Spectral and Imaging Observations of the Solar Flares - Torre, G., 2015, University of Genova
[SOL] Inverse Problems in Solar Flares: a Multispectral Perspective - Xu, W., 2015, Pennsylvania State University
[TGF] Monte Carlo Simulation of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes Produced by Stepping Lightning Leaders - Anan, T., 2014, Kyoto University
[SOL] Open a New Window of Plasma Diagnostics in the Solar Physics with Spectropolarimetric Observation - Gilchrist, S., 2014, University of Sydney
[SOL] Data-Driven Numerical Modelling of the Solar Coronal Magnetic Field - Graham, D. R., 2014, University of Glasgow
[SOL] Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Impulsive Phase Solar Flare Footpoints - Huppenkothen, D., 2014, University of Amsterdam
[AST] A New Statistical Toolbox for Studying Variability in Fast Transients - Jeffrey, N. L. S., 2014, University of Glasgow
[SOL] The Spatial, Spectral and Polarization Properties of Solar Flare X-ray Sources - Kong, X., 2014, Shandong University
[SOL] Studies of Electron Acceleration and Radiation by Shocks in Solar Eruptions - Liu, W. J., 2014, Montana State University
[SOL] Determining Heating Rates in Reconnection Formed Flare Loops - Nisi, R. S., 2014, University of Bergen
[TGF] Constraining the Initial Properties of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes - O'Flannagain, A, 2014, Trinity College Dublin
[SOL] X-ray and Radio Diagnostics of Accelerated Electrons in Solar Active Regions - Reep, J., 2014, Rice University
[SOL] Hydrodynamic Modeling of Heating Processes in Solar Flares - Ryan, D. F., 2014, Trinity College Dublin
[SOL] Plasma Diagnostics and Hydrodynamic Evolution of Solar Flares - Shen, Y.D., 2014, Chinese Academy of Sciences
[SOL] Multi-Wavelength and High-Resolution Observations of Solar Eruptive Activities - White, R. S., 2014, University of Warwick
[SOL] Transverse Waves in the Solar Corona - Zhu, C., 2014, Rice University
[SOL] Dynamics and Evolution of Solar Eruptive Prominences - Awasthi, A. K., 2013, Mohanlal Sukhadia University
[SOL] Energy Release Processes in Solar Flares - Chen, B., 2013, University of Virginia
[SOL] Radio and X-ray Diagnostics of Energy Release in Solar Flares - Chen, N.-H., 2013, National Central University
[SOL] The Comprehensive Multiwavelengths Study of Solar Flares in X-Ray to Radio Observations - Chen, Q., 2013, Stanford University
[SOL] Stochastic Acceleration of Electrons by Turbulence in Solar Flares - Dickson, E. C. M., 2013, University of Glasgow
[SOL] Photospheric Albedo and the Measurement of Energy and Angular Electron Distributions in Solar Flares - Hussein, M. H., 2013, University of Manchester
[SOL] Numerical Modelling of Accelerated Charged Particles by Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares - Kirk, M. S., 2013, New Mexico State University
[SOL] The Anatomy of Chromospheric Flares and Associated Ephemeral Brightenings - Li, T. C., 2013, University of Maryland
[SOL] The Impact of Double Layers on Electron Transport in the Solar Corona - Murray, S. A., 2013, Trinity College Dublin
[SOL] Fields and Flares: Understanding the Complex Magnetic Topologies of Solar Active Regions - Pal, S., 2013, University of Calcutta
[SOL] Numerical Modelling of VLF Radio Wave Propagation through Earth-Ionosphere - Park, J., 2013, University of Rochester
[SOL] Particle Energization and Energy Transfer in Collisionless Astrophysical Plasmas - Pedram, E., 2013, University College London
[SOL] Lower Atmospheric Signatures of Solar Eruptive Events - Stanier, A., 2013, University of Manchester
[SOL] Magnetic Reconnection and Particle Acceleration in Semi-Collisional Plasmas - Wang, R., 2013, Chinese Academy of Sciences
[SOL] The research of coronal magnetic field calculation and its applications - Yuan, D., 2013, University of Warwick
[SOL] Compressive Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Atmosphere - Allavena, S., 2012, University of Genova
[SOL] Sparsity Enhancement with Applications to Magnetic Resonance and Astronomical Imaging - Barnes, D., 2012, Florida Institute of Technology
[TGF] A Correlation Study of Meteorological Dynamics and Thunderstorm Activity Leading to Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes - Baumann, G., 2012, University of Copenhagen
[SOL] Particle Dynamics in Solar Coronal Magnetic Reconnection Regions - Burge, C. A., 2012, University of Glasgow
[SOL] Particle Acceleration in Noisy Magnetised Plasmas - Chen, W., 2012, Purple Mountain Observatory
[SOL] The Calculation and Observation of Gamma-Ray from Solar Flares - Cheng, X., 2012, Nanjing University
[SOL] On the Origin, Structure, and Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections - Gjesteland, T., 2012, University of Bergen
[TGF] Properties of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes: Modelling and Analysis of BATSE and RHESSI data - Glesener, L., 2012, University of California, Berkeley
[SOL] Faint Coronal Hard X-rays from Accelerated Electrons in Solar Flares - Grady, K. J., 2012, University of St Andrews
[SOL] Solar Flare Particle Acceleration in Collapsing Magnetic Traps - Higgins, P. A., 2012, Trinity College Dublin
[SOL] Sunspot Group Evolution and the Global Magnetic Field of the Sun - Hock, R, 2012, University of Colorado at Boulder
[SOL] The Role of Solar Flares in the Variability of the Extreme Ultraviolet Solar Spectral Irradiance - Kawate, T., 2012, Kyoto University
[SOL] Observational Study of Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares - Li, Y., 2012, New Jersey Institute of Technology
[SOL] Evolution of 3-D Magnetic Topology in Flare-productive Active Regions - Predoi, V., 2012, Cardiff University
[GRB] Gravitational Waves and Short Gamma Ray Bursts - Rowlinson, B. A., 2012, University of Leicester
[GRB] Using Multiwavelength Observations of Short GRBs to Constrain Their Progenitors - Sun, X., 2012, Stanford University
[SOL] The Magnetic Solar Photosphere and Corona: Observation, Modeling, and Prediction - Yan, X.L., 2012, Yunnan Astronomical Observatory
[SOL] Research on Magnetic Evolution in Solar Active Regions and Related Solar Eruptions - Zhang, L., 2012, University of Oulu
[SOL] Solar Active Longitudes and Their Rotation - Bellm, E. C., 2011, University of California, Berkeley
[GRB] Studies of Gamma-ray Burst Prompt Emission with RHESSI and NCT - Bhatt, N. J., 2011, Saurashtra University
[SOL] Study of Solar Activity and its Impact on Terrestrial Environment - Collazzi, A. C., 2011, Louisiana State University
[GRB] Testing and Improving the Luminosity Relations for Gamma-Ray Bursts - Fischer, C. E., 2011, Utrecht University
[SOL] Transient Events in the Solar Photosphere at High Spatial and Temporal Resolution - Guo, J., 2011, Purple Mountain Observatory
[SOL] Particle Acceleration in the Solar Corona: Simulation and Observation - Guo, Y., 2011, Nanjing University; Observatoire de Paris
[SOL] Three Dimensional Magnetic Field in the Solar Atmosphere and Associated Activities - Ishikawa, S., 2011, University of Tokyo
[SOL] Hard X-ray Investigations of Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares - Joshi, N. C., 2011, Kumaun University
[SOL] Study of Solar Flares, Prominences and CMEs - Maloney, S. A., 2011, Trinity College Dublin
[SOL] Propagation of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Inner Heliosphere - Perley, D. A., 2011, University of California, Berkeley
[GRB] The Diverse Environments of Gamma-Ray Bursts - Reid, H. A. S., 2011, University of Glasgow
[SOL] Solar Electron Beam Transport in the Inner Heliosphere - Ripa, J., 2011, Charles University
[GRB] Statistical Analysis of the Observable Data of Gamma-Ray Bursts - Rubio da Costa, F., 2011, Universita degli Studi di Catania
[SOL] Solar Chromospheric Flares: Observations in Ly-alpha and H-alpha and Radiative Hydrodynamic Simulations - Sigismondi, C., 2011, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Sapienza University of Rome and French-Italian University
[SOL] High Precision Ground-based Measurements of Solar Diameter in Support of PICARD Mission - Wang, P., 2011, Nanjing University
[SOL] Study on the Magnetic Field Change during Solar Flares - Alexander, R. C., 2010, University of Glasgow
[SOL] Influence of Photospheric Back-Scatter on Flare Hard X-Ray Diagnostics - Alha, L., 2010, University of Helsinki
[INS] Characterization of Non-imaging Semiconductor X-ray Solar Monitors - Bain, H. M., 2010, University of Glasgow
[SOL] Hard X-ray and Radio Studies of Solar Flares - Bandstra, M. S., 2010, University of California, Berkeley
[AST] Observation of the Crab Nebula in Soft Gamma Rays with the Nuclear Compton Telescope - Caspi, A., 2010, University of California, Berkeley
[SOL] Super-hot (T > 30 MK) Thermal Plasma in Solar Flares - Cheng, J. X., 2010, Nanjing University
[SOL] Spectral Diagnostics and Radiative Hydrodynamics of Solar Flares - Debnath, D., 2010, University of Calcutta
[SOL] X-ray Properties of the Sun and some Compact Objects of our Galaxy - Endo, A., 2010, Saitama University
[SOL] Observations of Time Evolution in Hard X-Ray Solar Flares - Mallik, P. C. V., 2010, University of Glasgow
[SOL] Diagnostics of Solar Flare Energetic Particles: Neglected Hard X-ray Processes and Neutron Astronomy in the Inner Heliosphere - Masson, S., 2010, Observatoire de Paris
[SOL] Solar Energetic Particles: Observational Studies and Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations - Maurya, R. A., 2010, Mohanlal Sukhadia University
[SOL] A Study of Oscillations in Solar Active Regions - Miklenic, C., 2010, University of Graz
[SOL] Multi-wavelength Observations of Dynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere - Park, S.-H., 2010, New Jersey Institute of Technology
[SOL] Study of Magnetic Helicity in Solar Active Regions and its Relationship with Solar Eruptions - Savage, S. L., 2010, Montana State University
[SOL] Using Extreme Ultra-violet and Soft X-ray Observations as Probes of Magnetic Reconnection during Solar Flares - Su, Y., 2010, Purple Mountain Observatory
[SOL] Improvements to the X-ray Bremsstrahlung Thick-target Model and Their Applications to Solar Flare Observations - Suarez Garcia, E., 2010, Universite de Geneve
[SOL] X-Ray Polarization: RHESSI Results and POLAR Prospects - Vaananen, M., 2010, University of Helsinki
[SOL] Studies of Solar and Stellar Flares using Multi-instrument Data - Berkebile-Stoiser, S., 2009, University of Graz
[SOL] Solar Hard X-ray Microflares: Atmospheric Response and Implications for Coronal Heating Models - Carlson, B. E., 2009, Stanford University
[TGF] Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Production by Lightning - Coyner, A. J., 2009, Rice University
[SOL] Multi-wavelength Analysis of Solar Transient Phenomena - Grefenstette, B. W., 2009, University of California, Santa Cruz
[TGF] Satellite Observations of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes - Hazelton, B. J. C., 2009, University of California, Santa Cruz
[TGF] Statistical Studies and Modeling of RHESSI Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes - Huang, J., 2009, Chinese Academy of Sciences
[SOL] The study of solar radio bursts and the dynamic process of non-thermal particles - Inglis, A. R., 2009, University of Warwick
[SOL] Quasi-periodic Pulsations in Solar Flares - Martinez-Oliveros, J. C., 2009, Monash University
[SOL] Multi-wavelength Analysis in Flare Seismology and the Role of Magnetic Field Dynamics in the Seismicity of Solar Active Regions - Moradi, H., 2009, Monash University
[SOL] Local Helioseismology of Magnetic Activity - Palladino, K. J., 2009, Ohio State University
[GRB] The ANITA-I Limit on Gamma Ray Burst Neutrinos - Raftery, C. L., 2009, Trinity College Dublin
[SOL] EUV and X-ray Spectroscopy of the Active Sun - Shao, C., 2009, Purple Mountain Observatory
[SOL] The Comprehensive Study of Solar Hard X-Ray Flare Spectra - Shih, A. Y., 2009, University of California, Berkeley
[SOL] Gamma-ray Observations of Solar-flare Ion Acceleration - Winter, H. D. III, 2009, Montana State University
[SOL] Combining Hydrodynamic Modeling with Nonthermal Test Particle Tracking to Improve Flare Simulations - Zhou, T., 2009, Purple Mountain Observatory
[SOL] Study of Sheared Loops in Solar Flares - Agueda Costafreda, N., 2008, Universitat de Barcelona
[SOL] Near-relativistic Electron Events: Monte Carlo Simulations of Solar Injection and Interplanetary Transport - Attrill, G., 2008, University College London
[SOL] "Low Coronal Signatures of Coronal Mass Ejections: Coronal ""Waves"" and Dimmings" - Battaglia, M., 2008, ETH Zurich
[SOL] Particle Kinematics in Solar Flares: Observations and Theory - Chen, H., 2008, Yunnan Astronomical Observatory
[SOL] The Study of Solar Surges, Jets and Their Associated Phenomena - Daou, A. G., 2008, Rice University
[SOL] Observational and Theoretical Interpretation of Energetic Particle Transport in Solar Flares - Furst, F., 2008, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
[SOL] Investigations of the SAA and the Long-time Behavior of Vela X-1 - Jiang, Y. W., 2008, Stanford University
[SOL] Plasma Turbulence and Observational Effects - Kowash, B. R., 2008, University of Michigan
[INS] A Rotating Modulation Imager for the Orphan Source Search Problem - Lay, E. H., 2008, University of Washington
[TGF] Investigating Lightning-to-Ionosphere Energy Coupling Based on VLF Lightning Propagation Characterization - Lee, K. W., 2008, National Central University
[SOL] Collisionless Transport of Energetic Electrons in the Solar Corona - Li, C., 2008, Nanjing University
[SOL] Solar Source of Energetic Particles in Interplanetary Space - Liu, R., 2008, Rice University
[SOL] Dynamics of Solar Eruptive Filaments - Onel, H., 2008, University of Potsdam
[SOL] Electron Acceleration in a Flare Plasma via Coronal Circuits - Pollock, J. A., 2008, University of Glasgow
[SOL] Numerical Simulations of Radiation and Heating from Non-thermal Electrons in Solar Flares - Toma, Z. A., 2008, University of Baghdad
[SOL] Observing and Studying 20.1 MHz Solar Radio Signals - Christe, S. D., 2007, University of California, Berkeley
[SOL] Solar Hard X-ray Microbursts - Dauphin, C., 2007, Universite Paris IV Pierre et Marie Curie
[SOL] Acceleration, Transport and Radiation of Particles Accelerated during Solar Eruptions - Des Jardins, A. C., 2007, Montana State University
[SOL] The Topology of Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares - Liu, C., 2007, New Jersey Institute of Technology
[SOL] Small and Large-scale Magnetic Fields Involved with Solar Flares - Minoshima, T., 2007, Kyoto University
[SOL] Studies on Variability of Non-Thermal Emissions in Solar Flares - Miteva, R. S., 2007, University of Potsdam
[SOL] Electron Acceleration at Localized Wave Structures in the Solar Corona - Selkowitz, R., 2007, University of Rochester
[SOL] Stochastic Fermi Acceleration and the Dissipation of Astrophysical Magnetic Turbulence - Sharma, A. C., 2007, Duke University
[INS] Development and Design of a Near-Field High-Energy Gamma Camera for Use with Neutron Stimulated Emission Computed Tomography - Su, Y. N., 2007, Purple Mountain Observatory
[SOL] Magnetic Shear in Two-ribbon Solar Flares - van der Horst, A., 2007, University of Amsterdam
[GRB] Broadband View of Blast Wave Physics: A Study of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows - Bone, L., 2006, University of Glasgow
[SOL] Multiwavelength Observation and Modelling of Thermal and Non-thermal Electrons in the Solar Corona - Cassak, P., 2006, University of Maryland
[SOL] Catastrophe Model for the Onset of Fast Magnetic Reconnection - Galloway, R. K., 2006, University of Glasgow
[SOL] Diffusion of Electrons in the Solar Corona - Grigis, P. C., 2006, ETH Zurich
[SOL] Observations and Models of the Dynamical Evolution of Solar Flares - Liu, W., 2006, Stanford University
[SOL] Characteristics of Solar Flare Hard X-ray Emissions: Observations and Models - Milligan, R. O., 2006, Queen's University Belfast
[SOL] Multiwavelength Observations of Chromospheric Evaporation during the Impulsive Phase of Solar Flares - Prato, M., 2006, University of Genova
[SOL] Regularization Methods for the Solution of Inverse Problems in Solar Plasma Physics - Smith, D. S., 2006, University of Texas at Austin
[AST] Astrophysical Radiation Environments of Habitable Worlds - Allred, J. C., 2005, University of Washington
[SOL] Observations and Radiative Hydrodynamic Simulations of Solar and Stellar Flares - Fivian, M. D., 2005, ETH Zurich
[SOL] Absolute Positions of Solar X-ray and Gamma-ray Sources - Goff, C. P., 2005, University College London
[SOL] X-Ray Studies of Flaring Magnetic Structures - Hamilton, B., 2005, University of Glasgow
[SOL] Particle Acceleration in Reconnecting X-point Flare Models - Hannah, I. G., 2005, University of Glasgow
[SOL] Particle Heating and Acceleration in Solar Flares: Energisation at a Reconnecting X-point and RHESSI Microflare Observations - Jing, J., 2005, New Jersey Institute of Technology
[SOL] Dynamics of Filaments, Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) - Mrozek, T., 2005, University of Wroclaw
[SOL] Investigation of impulsive phase of solar flares in the EUV and HXR ranges - Rau, A., 2005, Technische Universitat Munchen
[GRB] Gamma-Ray Bursts: A Population Study - Rea, N., 2005, Universita degli studi di Roma
[AST] Magnetars' Multiwavelength Study - Saint-Hilaire, P., 2005, ETH Zurich
[SOL] Energy Release in Solar Flares - Spirock, T. J., 2005, New Jersey Institute of Technology
[SOL] Next Generation Digital Vector Magnetograph; High Cadence, Precision and Resolution - Sui, L., 2005, Catholic University of America; NASA/GSFC
[SOL] Modeling Solar Flare Hard X-ray Images and Spectra Observed with RHESSI - Xu, Y., 2005, New Jersey Institute of Technology
[SOL] Studies of Solar White-light Flares and Small-scale Magnetic Structures Observed in the Near Infrared - Xu, Z., 2005, Nanjing University
[SOL] Theoretical Study and Observations of Impact Polarization for Solar Spectra - Asai, A., 2004, Kyoto University
[SOL] Observational Studies on Energy Release Mechanism in Solar Flares - Curioni, A., 2004, Columbia University
[INS] Laboratory and Balloon Flight Performance of the Liquid Xenon Gamma Ray Imaging Telescope (LXeGRIT) - Kasparova, J., 2004, Charles University
[SOL] Analysis and Modelling of Hard X-ray and Optical Signatures of Electron Beams in Solar Flares - von Praun, C., 2004, ETH Zurich
[INS] Detecting Synchronization Defects in Multi-threaded Object-oriented Programs - Stolte, E., 2003, ETH Zurich
[INS] A Scalable Architecture for Large Scientific Databases
2017 - 2 RHESSI PhD Theses
2016 - 7 RHESSI PhD Theses
2015 - 4 RHESSI PhD Theses
2014 - 14 RHESSI PhD Theses
2013 - 15 RHESSI PhD Theses
2012 - 18 RHESSI PhD Theses
2011 - 15 RHESSI PhD Theses
2010 - 17 RHESSI PhD Theses
2009 - 15 RHESSI PhD Theses
2008 - 15 RHESSI PhD Theses
2007 - 10 RHESSI PhD Theses
2006 - 8 RHESSI PhD Theses
2005 - 14 RHESSI PhD Theses
2004 - 4 RHESSI PhD Theses
2003 - 1 RHESSI PhD Thesis
- Albrechtsen, K, 2015, University of Bergen
[TGF] Search for unidentified Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes - Conley, C. L., 2014, University of Houston-Clear Lake
[TGF] The Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) Results Analyzed in Seasonal Quadrants - Xue, U., 2014, Chinese Academy of Sciences
[SOL] Study on Fine Structures of type U and RS in a Solar Radio Burst Event - Incerti, N., 2013, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
[SOL] Image Reconstruction by using Fourier Deconvolution - Musset, 2013, Universite de Paris
[SOL] Relationship between X emissions of accelerated electrons in solar flares, magnetic field and electric current density - Nilss, R., 2013, Lulea University of Technology
[SOL] Multi Wavelength Analysis of Major Solar Coronal Rains - Sciacchitano, F., 2013, University of Genova
[SOL] Evolution Strategies Applied to Astronomical Imaging - Barbera, I., 2012, University of Genova
[SOL] Clean a Deconvolution Algorithm for the Fourier Transform Inversion with Limited Data - Codispoti, A., 2012, University of Genova
[SOL] Electron Maps and Continuity Equation: an Imaging-based Model for Solar Flares - Guadagno, D., 2012, University of Genova
[SOL] The Maximum Entropy Method for Visibility-based Image Reconstruction - Han, F., 2012, Purple Mountain Observatory
[SOL] Statistical Properties and Theoretical Study of Solar Flares with Simple X-Ray Light Curves - Bai, W., 2011, Purple Mountain Observatory
[SOL] Observational Study of Hard X-Ray Emissions from Partially Occulted Solar Flares - Koltun, Z., 2011, University of Wroclaw
[SOL] The Late phase of LDE flares observed in X-rays - Torre, G., 2011, University of Genova
[SOL] Electron Maps and Continuity Equation: a Computational Approach to Solar Flares - Baker, A., 2010, University of Washington
[SOL] Case Study of Outer Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation Inferred from Balloon-observed X-ray Spectra - El-Mezeini, A. E., 2010, American University in Cairo
[AST] Evidence for Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in the Recurrent Emission from Magnetars and their Implications on the Neutron Star Properties and Equation of State - Congdon, R. H., 2009, University of Surrey
[AST] Gamma-ray Line Sources in Space - Jin, M., 2009, Nanjing University
[SOL] Studies on Hard X-ray Emission in Solar Flares and CME-induced Outflows - Shen, J., 2009, Chinese Academy of Sciences
[SOL] Study of Magnetic Reconnection in the Rising Phase of Solar Flares - Wolska, J., 2009, University of Wroclaw
[SOL] Investigation of energy-altitude relation observed in solar flare HXR footpoints sources - Allavena, S., 2008, University of Genova
[SOL] Interpolation and Extrapolation Methods for X-ray imaging in NASA's RHESSI Mission - Han, G., 2008, Purple Mountain Observatory
[SOL] The Low Energy Cutoff of the Nonthermal Electrons of the RHESSI Flares - Matthews, T., 2008, University of California, Santa Cruz
[AST] A Search for Gamma-ray Emission from Classical Novae with RHESSI - Liu, R., 2006, Rice University
[SOL] Hard X-ray Production in a Failed Filament Eruption - Scullian, E., 2006, University of Glasgow
[SOL] Constructing Mean Electron Distributions from Hard X-Ray Spectra of Solar Flares - Su, Y., 2006, Purple Mountain Observatory
[SOL] Statistical Study and Classification of RHESSI Flares - Chen, N.-H., 2005, National Central University
[SOL] Analysis of Dynamic Structures of M-Class Solar Flares Observed by RHESSI - Chen, Q., 2005, Nanjing University
[SOL] RHESSI Hard X-ray Analysis of White-light Flares - Coyner, A. J., 2005, Rice University
[SOL] Temporal and Spatial Relationships Between Ultraviolet and Hard X-ray Emission in Solar Flares - Daou, A. G., 2005, Rice University
[SOL] Nonthermal Hard X-ray Flux Saturation in Solar Flares - Guo, J. P., 2005, Beijing Normal University
[SOL] Multiwavelength Analysis of Solar Radio Microwave Burst - Mitani, N., 2005, University of Tokyo
[SOL] Hard X-ray Imaging Spectral Analysis of a Solar Flare by the RHESSI Satellite - Buser, D., 2003, ETH Zurich
[SOL] Electron Acceleration Characteristics of Solar Flares Observed by RHESSI
2015 - 1 RHESSI Master's Thesis
2014 - 2 RHESSI Master's Theses
2013 - 4 RHESSI Master's Theses
2012 - 4 RHESSI Master's Theses
2011 - 3 RHESSI Master's Theses
2010 - 2 RHESSI Master's Theses
2009 - 4 RHESSI Master's Theses
2008 - 3 RHESSI Master's Theses
2006 - 3 RHESSI Master's Theses
2005 - 6 RHESSI Master's Theses
2003 - 1 RHESSI Master's Thesis
- Miksits, C., 2013, University of Graz
[SOL] RHESSI X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of the X3.9 Flare of 2003 November 3 - Polednikova, J., 2011, Masaryk University
[GRB] Cosmic Gamma Ray Bursts, its Parameters and Correlations - Bein, B., 2009, University of Graz
[SOL] Solar Microflares Studied with RHESSI and DOT - Clark, D. J., 2007, University of Southampton
[AST] Detecting Gamma-ray Polarization Using the INTEGRAL Satellite - Thalmann, J., 2005, University of Graz
[SOL] Analysis of the Flare Waves Associated with the 3B/X3.8 Flare of January 17, 2005 - Battaglia, M., 2004, ETH Zurich
[SOL] Properties of Solar Flares of Different Size Observed by RHESSI - Miklenic, C., 2004, University of Graz
[SOL] Magnetic Reconnection Rates in a Two-ribbon Flare - Stoiser, S., 2004, University of Graz
[SOL] Solar Microflares Observed by RHESSI
2013 - 1 RHESSI Diploma Thesis
2011 - 1 RHESSI Diploma Thesis
2009 - 1 RHESSI Diploma Thesis
2007 - 1 RHESSI Diploma Thesis
2005 - 1 RHESSI Diploma Thesis
2004 - 3 RHESSI Diploma Theses
- Netzel, H., 2015, University of Wroclaw
[SOL] The analysis of solar flares HXR spectra - Misteli, R.; Vischi, D., 2013, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
[SOL] RHESSI Search for Similar Images based on Fourier Components
2015 - 1 RHESSI Bachelor's Thesis
2013 - 1 RHESSI Bachelor's Thesis
- Infanger, A., 2016, University of California, Santa Cruz
[TGF] The Existence of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes that Paralyze RHESSI - Buzbee, P., 2013, University of California, Santa Cruz
[TGF] Searches of RHESSI Data for Weak Signals Associated with Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes - Hell, N., 2010, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
[SOL] The Evolution of the South Atlantic Anomaly Measured by RHESSI - Schmidt, K., 2010, University of California, Santa Cruz
[INS] Tracking the RHESSI Zero-Channel Energy Using a 10.2 keV Background Feature - Jin, M., 2006, Nanjing University
[SOL] Correlation Between Solar Flare Hard X-Ray Footpoints: A Statistical Study - Chollet, E., 2004, Rice University
[SOL] Hard X-ray Footpoint Asymmetries in Solar Flares
2016 - 1 RHESSI Senior Thesis
2013 - 1 RHESSI Senior Thesis
2010 - 2 RHESSI Senior Theses
2006 - 1 RHESSI Senior Thesis
2004 - 1 RHESSI Senior Thesis
American University in Cairo | Middle East | 1 |
Beijing Normal University | China | 1 |
Cardiff University | Europe | 1 |
Catholic University of America; NASA/GSFC | USA | 1 |
Charles University | Europe | 2 |
Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | 5 |
Columbia University | USA | 1 |
Duke University | USA | 1 |
ETH Zurich | Europe | 8 |
Florida Institute of Technology | USA | 1 |
Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar | India | 1 |
Kumaun University | India | 1 |
Kyoto University | Japan | 4 |
Louisiana State University | USA | 1 |
Lulea University of Technology | Europe | 1 |
Masaryk University | Europe | 1 |
Mohanlal Sukhadia University | India | 2 |
Monash University | Australia | 2 |
Montana State University | USA | 4 |
Nanjing University | China | 8 |
Nanjing University; Observatoire de Paris | China | 1 |
National Central University | China | 3 |
New Jersey Institute of Technology | USA | 7 |
New Mexico State University | USA | 1 |
Observatoire de Paris | Europe | 2 |
Ohio State University | USA | 1 |
Pennsylvania State University | USA | 1 |
Pulkovo Observatory | Russia | 1 |
Purple Mountain Observatory | China | 11 |
Queen's University Belfast | Europe | 1 |
Rice University | USA | 9 |
Saitama University | Japan | 1 |
Saurashtra University | India | 1 |
Shandong University | China | 1 |
Stanford University | USA | 5 |
Technische Universitat Munchen | Europe | 1 |
Trinity College Dublin | Europe | 6 |
Universita degli Studi di Catania | Europe | 1 |
Universita degli studi di Roma | Europe | 1 |
Universitat de Barcelona | Europe | 1 |
Universite Paris IV Pierre et Marie Curie | Europe | 1 |
Universite de Geneve | Europe | 1 |
Universite de Paris | Europe | 1 |
University College London | Europe | 3 |
University of Amsterdam | Europe | 2 |
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland | Europe | 1 |
University of Baghdad | Middle East | 1 |
University of Bergen | Europe | 3 |
University of Calcutta | India | 2 |
University of California, Berkeley | USA | 8 |
University of California, Santa Cruz | USA | 6 |
University of Colorado at Boulder | USA | 1 |
University of Copenhagen | Europe | 1 |
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | Europe | 2 |
University of Genova | Europe | 11 |
University of Glasgow | Europe | 16 |
University of Graz | Europe | 7 |
University of Helsinki | Europe | 2 |
University of Houston-Clear Lake | USA | 1 |
University of Leicester | Europe | 1 |
University of Manchester | Europe | 2 |
University of Maryland | USA | 3 |
University of Michigan | USA | 1 |
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia | Europe | 1 |
University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Sapienza University of Rome and French-Italian University | Europe | 1 |
University of Oulu | Europe | 1 |
University of Potsdam | Europe | 2 |
University of Rochester | USA | 2 |
University of Southampton | Europe | 1 |
University of St Andrews | Europe | 1 |
University of Surrey | Europe | 1 |
University of Sydney | Australia | 1 |
University of Texas at Austin | USA | 1 |
University of Tokyo | Japan | 2 |
University of Virginia | USA | 1 |
University of Warwick | Europe | 3 |
University of Washington | USA | 3 |
University of Wroclaw | Europe | 4 |
Utrecht University | Europe | 1 |
Yunnan Astronomical Observatory | China | 2 |
Australia | 3 |
China | 32 |
Europe | 96 |
India | 7 |
Japan | 7 |
Middle East | 2 |
Russia | 1 |
USA | 60 |