HESSI Flare List (generated 14-Sep-2022 13:55) Total # flares: 104036 Time range: 12-Feb-2002 02:15:24.000 - 30-Mar-2018 05:23:20.000 Flare Start time Peak End Dur Peak Total Energy X Pos Y Pos Radial AR Flags s c/s Counts keV asec asec asec 17010501 5-Jan-2017 01:32:44 01:38:02 01:38:08 324 51 24146 6-12 114 240 266 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 17010502 5-Jan-2017 17:26:32 17:26:54 17:27:20 48 34 2971 6-12 -45 475 477 0 A0 P1 PE Q1 17010806 8-Jan-2017 23:40:16 23:43:54 23:44:32 256 53 18593 6-12 47 144 152 0 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 17010901 9-Jan-2017 06:48:32 06:48:38 06:48:52 20 32 1179 6-12 -430 171 463 0 A0 DF P1 PE Q2 17010902 9-Jan-2017 13:56:24 13:56:38 13:57:16 52 37 3250 6-12 114 181 214 0 A0 DF P1 PE Q2 17010903 9-Jan-2017 20:16:52 20:17:22 20:19:52 180 45 12860 6-12 554 -64 558 0 A0 DF DR P1 PE Q3 17011016 10-Jan-2017 15:08:36 15:09:06 15:09:52 76 58 5523 6-12 922 276 963 0 A0 P1 PE Q1 17011017 10-Jan-2017 16:36:44 16:38:58 16:41:40 296 115 34990 6-12 916 273 956 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 17011004 10-Jan-2017 16:41:40 16:45:54 16:53:24 704 1067 506998 12-25 931 285 974 0 A0 P1 PE Q1 17011018 10-Jan-2017 16:58:52 16:59:30 17:00:28 96 95 7414 6-12 906 269 945 0 A0 P1 PE Q1 17011011 10-Jan-2017 17:07:24 17:09:06 17:09:48 144 92 10789 6-12 917 269 956 0 A0 P1 PE Q1 17011019 10-Jan-2017 17:10:52 17:11:06 17:12:20 88 37 5090 6-12 917 256 952 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 17011005 10-Jan-2017 18:04:24 18:07:10 18:16:16 712 1177 409893 12-25 927 285 970 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 17011020 10-Jan-2017 22:46:28 22:47:30 22:49:28 180 95 24745 6-12 941 274 980 0 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 17011110 11-Jan-2017 15:04:12 15:17:22 15:26:36 1344 37 74546 6-12 963 244 994 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q3 SS 17011101 11-Jan-2017 16:02:44 16:07:06 16:14:16 692 483 138683 6-12 950 231 977 0 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 17011111 11-Jan-2017 16:22:12 16:24:50 16:29:04 412 62 29464 6-12 956 239 986 0 A0 P1 PE Q1 17011113 11-Jan-2017 19:23:32 19:26:58 19:40:36 1024 83 104376 6-12 -993 44 994 2625 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 17011114 11-Jan-2017 20:56:48 20:57:10 20:57:40 52 33 3229 6-12 113 -81 139 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 17011102 11-Jan-2017 21:34:48 21:42:30 21:43:52 544 1757 455073 12-25 954 228 981 0 A0 DR EE P1 PE Q3 17011201 12-Jan-2017 06:57:32 07:00:22 07:09:20 708 436 287059 6-12 948 231 976 0 A0 EE P1 PE Q2 17011202 12-Jan-2017 15:54:36 16:09:34 16:34:44 2408 8531 17290176 12-25 -996 86 999 2625 A0 DR EE P1 PE Q3 17011203 12-Jan-2017 17:10:04 17:10:46 18:01:00 3056 151 353581 6-12 -1012 92 1017 2625 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 17011402 14-Jan-2017 07:13:32 07:15:54 07:19:40 368 181 65576 6-12 -883 177 901 2626 A0 P1 PE Q2 SS 17011601 16-Jan-2017 01:42:52 01:44:10 01:46:00 188 74 16117 6-12 -634 212 669 2626 A0 P1 PE Q1 17011602 16-Jan-2017 17:43:24 17:46:30 17:47:44 260 42 16866 6-12 -518 213 560 2626 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 17011801 18-Jan-2017 18:35:32 18:36:18 18:38:08 156 33 5551 6-12 -152 221 268 2626 A0 P1 PE Q1 17011901 19-Jan-2017 20:20:12 20:48:58 20:57:56 2264 1537 5430863 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DR ES NS PE Q3 17012013 20-Jan-2017 06:43:04 06:43:42 06:44:20 76 34 3516 6-12 -806 268 850 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012001 20-Jan-2017 09:35:36 09:37:46 09:51:20 944 337 179315 6-12 -806 268 850 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012014 20-Jan-2017 10:51:00 10:51:02 10:53:28 148 37 7424 6-12 -806 268 850 0 A0 PE PS Q2 SS 17012015 20-Jan-2017 15:11:44 15:12:26 15:19:16 452 76 37642 6-12 -806 268 850 0 A0 DR PE PS Q2 17012012 20-Jan-2017 17:01:28 17:02:14 17:06:32 304 65 24187 6-12 -576 192 607 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012010 20-Jan-2017 17:10:04 17:11:42 17:25:12 908 236 94745 6-12 -576 192 607 0 A0 DR PE PS Q2 17012011 20-Jan-2017 18:25:12 18:26:22 18:28:08 176 89 17566 6-12 -499 192 534 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012156 21-Jan-2017 02:19:28 02:19:30 02:22:28 180 79 19106 6-12 -729 268 777 0 A0 PE PS Q2 SS 17012157 21-Jan-2017 02:22:28 02:24:02 02:26:16 228 160 36285 6-12 -729 268 777 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012158 21-Jan-2017 02:26:16 02:27:22 02:41:08 892 473 251829 6-12 -729 268 777 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012159 21-Jan-2017 03:01:44 03:03:58 03:11:20 576 613 221284 6-12 -729 268 777 0 A0 DR PE PS Q2 17012161 21-Jan-2017 04:12:16 04:15:42 04:24:24 728 75 68367 6-12 -729 268 777 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012162 21-Jan-2017 04:24:24 04:31:26 04:42:08 1064 207 180051 6-12 -652 268 705 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012163 21-Jan-2017 04:42:08 04:43:34 04:46:32 264 110 31121 6-12 -652 268 705 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012164 21-Jan-2017 04:46:32 04:47:22 04:49:36 184 78 15942 6-12 -729 268 777 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012128 21-Jan-2017 05:37:16 05:46:18 05:53:08 952 201 203315 6-12 -652 268 705 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012109 21-Jan-2017 06:21:56 06:27:02 06:28:12 376 1020 187207 6-12 -729 268 777 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012166 21-Jan-2017 07:10:52 07:12:02 07:13:12 140 171 23629 6-12 -652 268 705 0 A0 PE PS Q2 SS 17012110 21-Jan-2017 07:13:12 07:17:14 07:22:36 564 1923 578033 6-12 -652 268 705 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012111 21-Jan-2017 07:22:36 07:25:58 07:37:00 864 68759 22999110 6-12 -652 268 705 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012112 21-Jan-2017 07:37:00 07:40:06 07:47:28 628 1103 400288 6-12 -652 268 705 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012167 21-Jan-2017 10:22:52 10:22:54 10:35:40 768 1174 397135 6-12 -652 268 705 0 A0 DR PE PS Q3 SS 17012104 21-Jan-2017 10:58:40 11:08:06 11:11:20 760 26697 13857258 6-12 -652 268 705 0 A0 EE PE PS Q2 17012105 21-Jan-2017 13:20:08 13:25:54 13:38:00 1072 4636 1736397 6-12 -652 268 705 0 A0 DR PE PS Q2 17012106 21-Jan-2017 14:09:36 14:11:38 14:14:44 308 441 97058 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012145 21-Jan-2017 16:26:00 16:26:34 16:34:44 524 69 27426 6-12 -576 268 635 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012401 24-Jan-2017 16:03:48 16:08:22 16:13:00 552 55 33418 6-12 -883 268 923 0 A0 DR EE PE PS Q3 17012408 24-Jan-2017 23:45:12 23:47:10 23:47:12 120 120 11323 6-12 -806 345 877 0 A0 PE PS Q2 SE 17012501 25-Jan-2017 02:16:04 02:18:50 02:33:44 1060 627 216693 6-12 -806 345 877 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012523 25-Jan-2017 10:49:48 10:51:02 10:55:08 320 153 35591 6-12 -729 345 807 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012502 25-Jan-2017 15:25:52 15:30:26 15:39:44 832 1193 475123 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012503 25-Jan-2017 16:49:24 16:53:10 17:03:24 840 503 246275 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DR PE PS Q2 17012504 25-Jan-2017 21:23:32 21:27:10 21:36:04 752 1628 555374 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DR PE PS Q2 17012618 26-Jan-2017 03:49:20 03:51:02 03:55:04 344 96 33873 6-12 -652 345 738 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012601 26-Jan-2017 04:06:48 04:11:30 04:16:28 580 579 183638 6-12 -652 345 738 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012619 26-Jan-2017 05:24:40 05:27:30 05:31:12 392 85 37620 6-12 -652 345 738 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012620 26-Jan-2017 08:35:40 08:36:14 08:39:52 252 101 17150 6-12 -576 345 671 0 A0 PE PS Q1 17012621 26-Jan-2017 09:40:00 09:40:22 09:41:00 60 26 2416 6-12 499 268 566 0 A0 DR PE PS Q2 17012622 26-Jan-2017 16:06:24 16:06:54 16:54:44 2900 8168 20743160 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DR EE GD NS PE Q4 17012611 26-Jan-2017 17:24:56 17:27:34 18:03:00 2284 3707 15041637 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DR ES NS PE Q4 SE 17012614 26-Jan-2017 18:59:16 19:06:54 19:30:40 1884 3406 8685669 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DR ES NS PE Q3 17012617 26-Jan-2017 20:49:24 21:00:06 21:01:08 704 2911 305625 12-25 190 251 314 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 17012701 27-Jan-2017 10:42:24 10:43:58 10:54:08 704 364 160706 6-12 850 191 871 0 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 17012802 28-Jan-2017 19:53:08 19:56:10 19:57:48 280 49 21408 6-12 970 131 978 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 17012801 28-Jan-2017 21:16:48 21:17:02 21:39:44 1376 1741 998562 12-25 953 126 961 0 A0 DR ES P1 PE Q3 17013101 31-Jan-2017 12:09:56 12:14:50 12:16:28 392 43 25087 6-12 452 370 584 2629 A0 DF DR P1 PE Q3 Notes: Note that only events with non-zero position and energy range not equal to 3-6 keV are confirmed as solar sources. Events which have no position and show up mostly in the front detectors, but were not able to be imaged are flagged as "PS". Events which do not have valid position are only confirmed to be non-solar if the NS flag is set. Peak Rate: peak counts/second in energy range 6-12 keV, averaged over active collimators, including background. Total Counts: counts in energy range 6-12 keV integrated over duration of flare summed over all subcollimators, including background. Energy: the highest energy band in which the flare was observed. Radial Distance: distance from Sun center Quality Codes: Qn, where n is the total number of data gap, SAA, particle, eclipse or decimation flags set for event. n ranges from 0 to 11. Use care when analyzing the data when the quality is not zero. Flare Flag Codes: a0 - In attenuator state 0 (None) sometime during flare a1 - In attenuator state 1 (Thin) sometime during flare a2 - In attenuator state 2 (Thick) sometime during flare a3 - In attenuator state 3 (Both) sometime during flare An - Attenuator state (0=None, 1=Thin, 2=Thick, 3=Both) at peak of flare DF - Front segment counts were decimated sometime during flare DR - Rear segment counts were decimated sometime during flare ED - Spacecraft eclipse (night) sometime during flare EE - Flare ended in spacecraft eclipse (night) ES - Flare started in spacecraft eclipse (night) FE - Flare ongoing at end of file FR - In Fast Rate Mode FS - Flare ongoing at start of file GD - Data gap during flare GE - Flare ended in data gap GS - Flare started in data gap MR - Spacecraft in high-latitude zone during flare NS - Non-solar event PE - Particle event: Particles are present PS - Possible Solar Flare; in front detectors, but no position Pn - Position Quality: P0 = Position is NOT valid, P1 = Position is valid Qn - Data Quality: Q0 = Highest Quality, Q11 = Lowest Quality SD - Spacecraft was in SAA sometime during flare SE - Flare ended when spacecraft was in SAA SS - Flare started when spacecraft was in SAA