Accessing HESSI Test Data

One week of HESSI data have been simulated by Jim McTiernan to test HESSI data analysis procedures. These data are stored as FITS files and are on line in three primary archive locations - SSL, GSFC, and MSSL.

By default, the HESSI data analysis software simulates HESSI data using a default 2-source model and then analyzes the data. To read the files of simulated data instead, you must use keyword arguments to specify a time interval or file name, and you must have access to the files from your computer.

Access to the files can be accomplished either by mounting (or sharing) the data directories from a local file server, or copying the files to your own computer. (In the future, the software will automatically search for data first on your own computer, then on a local archive, and then on one of the primary archives.) In either case, you must define environment variables to point to the location of the data (see below).

Mounting or Sharing Local Archive

If your computer is on the same local network as one of the primary archives, you can probably mount or share the archive without copying files. See the examples below for the names of the archives at each primary archive site.

Copying Files to Your Computer

If your computer is not on the same local network as one of the primary archives, you must manually (for now) copy the files to your computer. You can do this through a browser or through an FTP program.

Warning:  If an error is found in the files of simulated data, the files may be regenerated.  In this case, you will need to copy a new set of files.
Browser Enter one of the following URL's depending on your geographic location:

This allows you to download any file by just clicking on the file name. You can only copy one file at a time.

FTP Connect using anonymous ftp to one of the following sites and change directory to the directory shown:
FTP site Directory Not available yet test_data hessi/test_data

The transfer mode should be binary.

Files of Interest

Minimum set of files needed:

 Store these files wherever you like on your computer.

Setting Environment Variables

The following environment variables need to be set to points to the location of the data files. (Currently all of them should point to the same directory. This will change in the future.

There are a number of ways to set environment variables in SSW. Three methods are shown below in order of preference. Any one of them will set the environment variable HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE. In the methods, 'full_data_path_name' should be replaced by the full path name of the data location.  The syntax of the command is the same for UNIX and Windows, while the syntax of 'full_data_path_name' depends on the OS.
Method 1.  If you haven't done so already, copy the setup.hessi_env file from the $SSW/hessi/setup directory to the $SSW/site/setup directory (where $SSW means the root of the ssw tree on UNIX or Windows), and add the following line to the file:
setenv HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE full_data_path_name

(On UNIX, you could copy the setup.hessi_env to your home directory instead of the site setup directory.  Also, on UNIX, to make the change take effect, you must re-run setup.ssw, via
source $SSW/gen/setup/setup.ssw )

Method 2.  Add the following line to your idl_startup file:
set_logenv, 'HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE', 'full_data_path_name'
Method 3. After entering IDL, type at the IDL prompt:
set_logenv, 'HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE', 'full_data_path_name'

Note:  Method 1 should have no quotes, equal signs, or commas in the command, and Methods 2 and 3 require commas and quotes on both the second and third fields.

Examples using Method 1 to set HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE

GSFC UNIX The archive is on which can be NFS-mounted on your computer. The mount point name on your computer is arbitrary. If the mount point is /hessi/data, then the required setup.hessi_env line is
setenv HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE /hessi/data/test_data
GSFC Windows The archive is shared from hesperia as \\\hessi\data1\test_data. You should be able to get to this directory from Network Neighborhood. The required setup.hessi_env line is
setenv HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE \\\hessi\data1\test_data
SSL UNIX  The archive is on soleil which is already NFS-mounted on the cluster of Sun's, so the mount point is the same on all of the Sun's in the cluster. The required setup.hessi_env line is
setenv HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE /disks/soleil/disk1/data/hessi/test_data/
SSL Windows  If you have NFS-client software on your PC (e.g. Maestro), the archive on soleil can be NFS-mounted on your PC.  The network path to connect is  \\soleil\mydisks\disk1\data.  If you connected soleil as drive h: then the required setup.hessi_env line is
setenv HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE h:\hessi\test_data
Anywhere Windows If you have a copy of the data files on your PC (e.g. in c:\hessi\data), then the required setup.hessi_env line is
setenv HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE c:\hessi\data