Intermediate Time Binning for Imaging

The following parameters control intermediate time binning for imaging:

use_auto_time_bin - If set, the time binning is set automatically, based on flare offset, cbe_digital_quality, and cbe_time_bin_floor. If set to 0, then time binning is determined from time_bin_min, time_bin_def, cbe_time_bin_floor, and cbe_power_of_two.

time_bin_min - Scalar time bin size in binary microseconds (2^-20 sec). This scalar is multiplied by time_bin_def to set time bins for each detector. (Used only if use_auto_time_bin=0)

time_bin_def - Array of 9 factors to multiply time_bin_min by to define time bin size for each detector. (Used only if use_auto_time_bin=0)

cbe_powers_of_two - If set, forces multipliers of time_bin_min to be powers of 2.

cbe_time_bin_floor - Array of 9 values in binary microseconds giving minimum value allowed for the time bin for each detector, whether use_auto_time_bin is set, or the bins are computed from time_bin_min * time_bin_def.

cbe_digital_quality - A value between .1 and .99 that will be used to help determine bin size for each detector if use_auto_time_bin is set.

When making an image, the software accumulates data for all 9 detectors. To save space, you can set cbe_time_bin_floor to large values (2^16) for detectors you are not interested in.