Visibility comparison plots

We compare the visibilities predicted by the image to the observed visibilities to determine how good the image is (see also the profile... parameters for comparison of observed and expected modulation profiles).

The following control parameters are available for these plots:

viscomp_show_plot - If set, show visibility comparison plot while making image. Default is 0. (plots on screen or in PS or JPEG file depending on viscomp_ps_plot and viscomp_jpeg_plot)

viscomp_ps_plot - If set, draw visibility comparison plot in PS file (auto-generated name)

viscomp_jpeg_plot - If set, draw visibility comparison plot in JPEG file (auto-generated name)

viscomp_plot_dir - Directory to write visibility comparison plot in (defaults to current directory)

viscomp_window - Internal variable to keep track of window to plot visibility comparison in. If plotting on screen, and you want to plot in a new window (to preserve the previous plot instead of overwriting in that window), set to -1.

To display the visibility comparison plots after an image is made, use the hsi_image_vis_plot routine with the appropriate keywords.

Info parameters resulting from profile tests:
(Note: Replace x by the algorithm prefix - clean, em, pixon, ff, ge, vf, nj, uv, vis_cs, or vis_wv)

x_viscomp_chisq_alldet - Reduced chi-square values computed from the measured and predicted visibility vectors weighted by the statistical uncertainties for all detectors

x_viscomp_chisq_detused - Reduced chi-square values computed from the measured and predicted visibility vectors weighted by the statistical uncertainties for the detectors used to make the image

x_viscomp_chisq_detsep - Reduced chi-square values computed from the measured and predicted visibility vectors weighted by the statistical uncertainties for each detector separately

Note that these plots and chisq values can also be determined for non-visibility-based image algorithms The software just computes the visibilities for that time/energy bin to do so if the visibilities are not already computed.This takes a little extra time, so if you do not care about the viscomp_chisq values, set the following parameter:

skip_viscomp_chisq - If set, do not compute the x_viscomp_chisq_... values