HESSI Data File Formats

This document describes the data files that may be read into th edata analysis software.

Last modified: Wed Jan 17 10:25:54 2001 (Administrator@TOURNESOL)
Software Release 5.1

Several file formats are recognized by the HESSI data analysis software: FITS, SMEX, ITOS, GSE, RAW.

FITS files

The FITS file format is usually used for data analysis. It is the default format. The FITS files are recognized by their extension .fits, .fit, or .fts.

HESSI FITS files consist of several binary tables.

SMEX files

The SMEX file format allows to read HESSI data into IDL directly as they come out of the Ground Station. This is the fastest way of reading data once it has been telemetered to the ground.

ITOS files

The ITOS file format allows reading data after it has been gone through the ITOS system. This mode may not be used very often.

GSE files

The GSE files have been recorded using the Ground Support Equipment. This is used mainly for reading spectrometer calibration files.

RAW files

The RAW data files are thos that contain only the packt data

A. Csillaghy