This message is for users of the RHESSI GUI, OSPEX, the GOES workbench, 
and/or PLOTMAN.

PLOTMAN's handling of default plotting options has been improved.  You 
can now select different default options for the four types of plots  - 
XY plots (e.g. spectra), UT plots (e.g. time profiles), Images, and 
Spectrograms.  These preferences will persist between sessions.  You 
also now have more precise control for changing plot options for 
existing plots. 

These changes will be included in your next SSW udpate.

1.  The old buttons for setting/changing defaults are gone. 
2.  To set persistent preferences - click 'Set Plot Preferences' under 
3.  To change options on existing plots, use Multi-Panel Options under 
Window_Control, select panels, and click 'Change Plot Options'.
4.  The widgets for setting these options are similar to the single 
panel options widgets, except they have red and green buttons next to 
each option.  Click a red button to turn it green and set an option.  
Only green values are used when you exit.  That way you can choose 
exactly which options to apply.
5. Note the new button to set image color in the image widget.

For details, please see the Plotman Defaults section of the Plotman Guide. And of 
course, please let me know if there are problems.

Kim Tolbert

p.s.  My new ONE-NASA address is kim.tolbert@nasa.gov.