!Options:::::: Options are variables set by the user to control the state or flow of SPEX. They affect the data selection, appearance of the plots in the TIME and SPECTRAL graphics windows, the fitting data selection and other functions. Most are modified by direct user action although some may be modified by the action of (W)SPEX. !!APAR Model Fit Initial Parameters. Float array !!BACK_ORDER Background is fit over selected time ranges in 5 energy bands using a polynomial order BACK_ORDER !!DATA_TIPE Specifies the kind of data to use, e.g. BATSE SHERS refers to the high energy resolution data from the SPEC detectors on BATSE !!DET_ID Detector ID, for BATSE LAD or SPEC they run from 0-7 !!DET_TYPE Detector type used internally to help create response functions. !!DFLTS_FILE File with defaults for these options. Default name is 'spex_dflts.dat' !!ENERGY_BANDS Energy bands (keV) used for multiple light-curve display. A fltarr(8), grouped by twos. Used by GRAPH command in SPEX or the button 'TIME HISTORY.PLOT LIGHT CURVE (READ).MULTI-TRACE'. !!EPLOTS Logical. If set, then display error bars in GRAPH command. !!ERANGE FLOAT = Array(2) Energy interval used to select channels for fitting. !!FLARE BATSE or HXRBS archive flare number. Database must be accessible. !!FREE INT = Array(6) Logical array. Set to 0 or 1 corresponding APAR parameter in the fitting model, F_MODEL, is fixed(0) or free(1). Number of elements depends on the model. !!F_MODEL Name of function used in modlel fitting. Normal default is 'f_vth_bpow' which is a thermal + double power-law form. There are 6 parameters for this function: 0. The emission measure of the thermal in units of 1e49 cm^(-3) from the Sun. 1. The temperature of the thermal in keV. 2. The normalization of the first power-law at 50 keV in photons/cm^2/s/keV. 3. The spectral index of the power-law at energies below the break. 4. The break energy in keV. 5. The spectral index of the power-law at energies above the break. !!HIGH_DRM INT = 0 Logical. If set, then the high energy versions of the response matrices are used. !!IAVG INT = 1 Interval grouping parameter. Used under SELECT_INTERVAL. IAVG consecutive intervals are grouped together when using REGULAR interval selection mode. !!IEAVG INT = 1 Spectral interval averaging parameter. For display purposes only at present. Used under SPEC_BANDS command and 'SPECTRAL FITS.SPEC PLOT BINNNG.SELECT' button. !!IFIRST INT = 0 First accumulation interval to use for fitting and PHOTON_SPECTRUM or COUNT_SPECTRUM display. !!ILAST INT = 3 Last accumulation interval to use for fitting and PHOTON_SPECTRUM or COUNT_SPECTRUM display. !!ITER INT = 4 Number of outside loops in Curvefit where conversion factors are recomputed. !!NITER INT = 5 Number of loop within Curvefit. !!QUIET INT = 0 Logical, if set, it reduces the reporting during fitting. !!RANGE_HI FLOAT = Array(6) Upper limits to fitting parameters inside Curvefit. Same as RANGE(*,1). !!RANGE_LO FLOAT = Array(6) Lower limits to fitting parameters inside Curvefit. Same as RANGE(*,0). !!SCALE_BANDS FLOAT = Array(4) Multiplicative factors applied to light curve bands in GRAPH or the button 'TIME HISTORY.PLOT LIGHT CURVE (READ).MULTI-TRACE'. !!SPXRANGE FLOAT = Array(2) If non-zero, this is the xrange used in spectral plotting. !!SPYRANGE FLOAT = Array(2) If non-zero, this is the yrange used in spectral plotting. !!SUMFIT INT = 0 If not set, then the initial fit parameters for interval i are taken from the previous interval, apar_arr(*,i-1). If set, then the initial fit parameters are taken from the previous fit to interval i in apar_last(*,i). !!T_HIST_MODE STRING = 'FLUX' Sets the Y-axis units for time-history plots. Either: FLUX for counts/s/cm2/keV or COUNTS for counts/s !!TEST_DRM INT = 2 Set this to 1 or 2 to calculate the development detector response matrix (DRM). !!UNCERT FLOAT = 0.0500000 Minimum fractional uncertainty on count rate data. Added in quadrature to statistical uncertainties. !!UTE STRING e.g. '91/07/24, 23:05:16.141' Timerange upper bound. Set by Zoom command. !!UTS STRING e.g. '91/07/24, 23:04:06.695' Timerange lower bound. Set by Zoom command. !!WUSE LONG Array Indices of data bins along energy axis to be used in fitting. These are set through the ERANGE option, the ENRANGE command, or the 'SPECTRAL FITS.FIT.SELECT ENERGY RANGE' button. !Variables:::::: These arrays are created as data is found and read, plotted as light curves, plotted as spectra and fit to standard models. !!APAR_ARR FLOAT = Array(6, 4) Fit Model parameters for each interval. !!APAR_LAST FLOAT = Array(6, 4) Fit Model parameters for last fit to each interval. !!APAR_SIGMA FLOAT = Array(6, 4) Curvefit uncertainties on APAR_LAST !!AREA FLOAT = 127.000 Geometric area of detector for normal incidence, cm2 !!BACK FLOAT = Array(256, 131) Generated background rate for each channel, time bin. Same units as FLUX !!BACKI FLOAT = Array(256, 4) Background for accumulation interval. !!BACK_SIGMA FLOAT = Array(256) Uncertainty on BACK, from poly_fit. !!BURST INT = 574 BATSE burst number !!CHI FLOAT = Array(1, 4) Reduced chi square for each accumulation interval !!CONVI FLOAT = Array(256) Conversion factor for the last displayed photon spectrum. Defined as the count rate spectrum divided by the photon spectrum defined at the energies given by the vector EMEDGE, which is defined to be the arithmetic means of the channel edges. !!COSINE FLOAT = 0.746035 Cosine of the angle between the detector normal and the photon source. !!COUNT_2_FLUX FLOAT = Array(256) Conversion from count rate to count flux, channel energy width x area. !!DRM FLOAT = Array(256, 100) Detector response matrix, output channels x input energies. Defined as the counts/cm2/keV per incident photon/cm2 !!EBACK FLOAT = Array(256, 131) Uncertainties on BACK. !!EBACKI FLOAT = Array(256, 4) Uncertainties on BACKI. !!EDGES FLOAT = Array(2, 256) Detector energy-loss channel edges. !!EFLUX FLOAT = Array(256, 131) Gaussian uncertainties on FLUX !!EM_IN FLOAT = Array(100) Arithmetic mean of E_IN !!EOBSI FLOAT = Array(256, 4) Uncertainties on OBSI. !!EPIVOT (FUNCTION_COM)FLOAT = 50.0000 Pivot energy in keV. Used as normalization energy for power-law functions. !!E_IN FLOAT = Array(2, 100) Incident energies defined for DRM. !!FILES STRING = Array(2) Datafiles selected under TIME_HISTORY command. !!FLUX FLOAT = Array(256, 131) Observed count rate, channels by intervals, in counts/s/keV/cm2, no background subtracted !!IEGROUP UNDEFINED = Channel number boundaries of spectral channels grouped together. !!ISELECT LONG = Array(2, 4) Index of interval boundaries (referenced to FLUX) of accumulation intervals. The ith interval starts at the leading edge of ISELECT(0,i) and ends at the leading edge of ISELECT(1,i). !!LIVE FLOAT = Array(256,4) Live time in seconds of each channel in every accumulation interval. !!LTIME FLOAT = Array(256,131) Live time in seconds of each FLUX observation channel for every time bin. !!NBIN LONG = 131 Number of time intervals in FLUX. !!NCHAN LONG = 256 Number of spectral intervals in FLUX. !!OBSI FLOAT = Array(256, 4) Source flux in accumulation interval I. !!RANGE FLOAT = Array(6, 2) High and low boundaries for APAR values during fitting. !!RATE FLOAT = Array(256, 131) Background subtracted count rate, same units as FLUX and BACK !!TB FLOAT = Array(4) Boundaries of background intervals. !!UT DOUBLE = Array(2, 131) Time boundaries for bins in FLUX. Expressed in seconds from time given by ATIME( getutbase(0)) !!UTM DOUBLE = Array(131) Midpoints of UT. !!WEDGE FLOAT = Array(256) Widths (keV) of output energy bins, EDGES. !!WUSE LONG = Array(87) Indices of energy bins used in fitting. !!W_IN FLOAT = Array(100) Widths (keV) of input energy bins, E_IN. !!XSELECT DOUBLE = Array(2, 4) Time boundaries on accumulation intervals referenced to the same base as UT. !Commands:::::: These commands are issued at the SPEX prompt to initiate data selection, time and energy selection, fitting, and plotting. !!ACCUM Integrate the spectral data in FLUX over the selected time intervals. !!TIME_HISTORY Read the data files for the chosen event into FLUX and UT and plot the light curve in the time history window. !!COUNT_SPECTRUM Plot the count rate spectrum for the current interval, IFIRST, and overlay the calculated count rate from the given by F_MODEL and the current fit parameters for the interval in APAR, APAR_ARR, or APAR_LAST. !!PHOTON_SPECTRUM Plot the photon spectrum for the current interval, IFIRST, and overlay the calculated photon spectrum from the given by F_MODEL and the current fit parameters for the interval in APAR, APAR_ARR, or APAR_LAST. The opportunity is also presented to graphically select the model parameters. !!LIST Print a list of the control parameters and their values as well as the commands to the screen. !!EXIT Exit the SPEX procedure and return to IDL at the main program level. !!FITTING After the data is read by TIME_HISTORY, the DRM created under the DRM menu, the intervals selected using SELECT_INTERVAL, the model parameters initialized using PHOTON_SPECTRUM, the free parameters determined by the value of the FREE array, the allowed energy range selected by the value of ERANGE, the intervals are fit using a modified curvefit running from IFIRST to ILAST. !!EXECUTE Prompts for an IDL command line to be input for the IDL EXECUTE function. !!STOP IDL STOP. Resume by entering .c at the IDL prompt. !!ZOOM Interactive selection of a reduced xrange. Restore full scale with CLEAR_UT. !!DISPLAY_INTERVAL In the time history window, which must be the active window, overlay lines at the boundaries of the accumulation intervals. !!SELECT_INTERVAL In the time history window, which must be the active window, interactively select the time intervals for integration prior to FITTING. Also, the time intervals may be input directly into the array, XSELECT = fltarr(2,N) where the times are referenced to the same base as the data intervals in UT and each interval is specified by its boundaries. !!BACKGROUND_INTERVAL In the time history window, which must be the active window, interactively select the time intervals for background accumulation. The default background model is a linear interpolation in time over the data points in two selected background intervals. Experienced users may change the order of the polynomial fit used by changing the parameter BACK_ORDER from its default value of 1. !!INITIALIZE Restore some of the original defaults. !!GRAPH Plot light curves in the time history window. Light curves are integrated in energy over the ranges specified by ENERGY_BANDS or CHANMASK and may be rescaled by changing SCALE_BANDS. !!DRM Enter the DRM menu to READ or BUILD load the detector response matrix, DRM. !!READ_DRM Read the DRM files specified by DFILE for the direct response matrix and SCATTERFILE for the response matrix due to scattering off the earth. The response matrix is interpolated to fine bins and then integrated over the output bin energies for the specific data type on the date of the event. !!BUILD_DRM Create the DRM direct detector response matrix, DRM, by interpolating in the source aspect angle over a stored set of response matrices. The response matrix is then interpolated to fine bins and integrated over the output bin energies for the specific data type on the date of the event. !!TOP Return to the main SPEX menu from a branch menu. !!STEPS_HELP Describes the step-by-step procedure for processing spectra through the SPEX menu. !!SUMMARY Enter the SUMMARY menu to save and restore processed spectra and fit parameters. !!ERASE Clears a Tektronix graphics page. !!TEK Sets the graphic display to Tektronix. !!FIND_FILES Find the filenames or verify the filenames specified under the parameters _1FILE and _2FILE. Mostly unneeded using automatic file finding defaults with the filename parameters left blank. !!ENRANGE With the SPECTRAL WINDOW active (last plotted to), graphically select the energy limits on the spectra to be fit. !!CH_BANDS With the SPECTRAL WINDOW active (last plotted to), graphically select the four ranges in the ENERGY_BANDS parameter. !!SPEC_BANDS With the SPECTRAL WINDOW active (last plotted to), graphically select the groups of channels to be summed together for display. Does not affect binning for fitting which uses individual channels within the limits specified by ERANGE. !!NOSPEC_BANDS Resets the grouping of SPEC_BANDS to single channels without any grouping. !!BSPECTRUM Displays the background count rate energy spectrum. !!RESTORE_DFLTS Reads the parameter values saved in the file given by the parameter, DFLTS_FILE. !!SAVE_DFLTS Saves the parameter values saved in the file given by the parameter, DFLTS_FILE. Use to save the setup for a particular data set. The file will be named in a systematic fashion if DFLTS_FILE is set to AUTO. !!CLEAR_UT Resets the timerange in the TIME HISTORY WINDOW to the limits of the vector UT, i.e. to the extent of the time interval covered by the current data set input through TIME_HISTORY. !!KLEANPLOT Runs the routine CLEANPLOT which resets the system plotting structures to their defaults. !!FORCE_APAR Sets the fitting parameters in each interval in the arrays APAR_ARR and APAR_LAST to the values in APAR. APAR_ARR and APAR_LAST are dimensioned fltarr( npar, nint) where npar is the number of parameters in the fitting model (see F_MODEL) and nint is the number of fitting time intervals (see the parameters XSELECT and WINT). !!COMMENTS Print recent messages about the status of SPEX including problem reports and new features. !!T_HIST_MODE Set the display mode for the TIME_HISTORY and GRAPH commands to COUNTS or FLUX to see the light curves in units of COUNTS/S or COUNTS/S/KEV/CM2, respectively.