WSPEX USERS MANUAL FOR BATSE SOLAR FLARE ANALYSIS Written by Lanny Thompson, Arkansas State University August 1995 SUMMARY GETTING TO WSPEX I. GETTING TO WSPEX 1. Telnet to SDAC 2. Enter IDL a. Type IDL at $ prompt 3. Start WSPEX a. Type WSPEX at IDL prompt SELECTING DATA I. SELECTING AN OPTIONAL DRM 1. Select the Development DRM ({OPTIONS} SPECTRAL FITS -> RESPONSE MATRIX OPTIONS -> DEVELOPMENT DRM) a. Select the SPECTRAL FITS button from the OPTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. Choose the RESPONSE MATRIX OPTIONS from the menu given. c. Select the DEVELOPMENT DRM function. II. SELECTING THE BATSE INSTRUMENTS 1. Set WSPEX to use the BATSE INSTRUMENTS ({OPTIONS} SPECIAL -> DATA TYPE -> BATSE -> SHER AND SHERB) a. Select the SPECIAL button from the OPTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. Choose the DATA TYPE option from the menu given. c. Select the BATSE setting from the data type menu. d. Select the SHER AND SHERB setting from the settings available. III. CHOOSING A FLARE ARCHIVE NUMBER 1. Choose the flare number to be used by WSPEX. ({OPTIONS} SPECIAL -> EVENT ID -> ARCHIVE # -> ) a. Select the SPECIAL button from the OPTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. Choose the EVENT ID option from the options: special menu. c. Select the ARCHIVE # function. d. Enter the five digit flare number by using the columns of numbers given. IV. PREVIEWING THE DATA FILE 1. Preview the data file. ({ACTIONS} SPECIAL -> PREVIEW DATA FILE) a. Select the SPECIAL button from the ACTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. Choose the PREVIEW DATA FILE action from the actions: special menu. c. Observe the information displayed in the INFO BOX. V. CHOOSING A DETECTOR 1. Choose the proper detector for the flare. ({OPTIONS} SPECIAL -> DETECTOR # -> <0,1,2,3,4,5,6, or 7>) a. Select the SPECIAL button from the OPTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. Choose the DETECTOR # function from the options: special menu. c. Selector a detector id number from the list displayed. VI. DISPLAYING OPTIONS 1. Display the current options and settings in WSPEX ({ACTIONS} SPECIAL -> SHOW CURRENT OPTIONS) a. Select the SPECIAL button from the ACTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. Choose the SHOW CURRENT OPTIONS from the actions: special menu. c. Observe the information displayed in the INFO BOX. TIME HISTORY I. DISPLAYING A LIGHT CURVE 1. Display a Single trace or multi trace light curve for the flare already selected. Single Trace=> ({ACTIONS} TIME HISTORY -> PLOT LIGHT CURVE (READ) -> ONE TRACE) Multi-Trace=> ({ACTIONS} TIME HISTORY -> PLOT LIGHT CURVE (READ) -> MULTI-TRACE) a. Select the TIME HISTORY button from the ACTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. Choose the PLOT LIGHT CURVE (READ) option from the given menu. c. Select either the ONE TRACE or MULTI-TRACE option from the menu displayed. d. OPTIONAL: Observe the detector cosines, displayed in the INFO BOX, as WSPEX plots the light curve. II. ADJUSTING THE TIME PROFILE (OPTIONAL) 1. Zoom in Time. ({ACTIONS} TIME HISTORY -> ZOOM IN TIME -> GRAPHICAL INPUT -> -> DONE) a. Select the SPECTRAL FITS button from the ACTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. Display the Spec. plot binning menu by selecting the SPEC. PLOT BINNING option from the actions: spectral fits menu. c. Select the GRAPHICAL INPUT button from the "Interval Selection Mode" window. d. Choose either the AS BOUNDARIES FOR CONTIGUOUS INTERVALS or the AS BOUNDARIES FOR DISCRETE INTERVALS button from the "Interval Selection" window. e. From the spectral plot window, select the intervals where data is to be binned. f. Remove the cursor from the plot and select the DONE button from the "Cursor Controls" window. g. For the bin to be performed the data must be replotted. 2. If preferred, select the data to be binned in groups of a certain number, chosen by the user, within a given interval (third method). Alternate Binning=> ({ACTIONS} SPECTRAL FITS -> SPEC. PLOT BINNING -> SELECT -> GRAPHICAL INPUT -> AS LIMITS ON SAMPLE GROUPS OF N (TO BE CHOSEN) -> -> READY -> -> DONE) a. Select the SPECTRAL FITS button from the ACTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. Display the Spec. plot binning menu by selecting the SPEC. PLOT BINNING option from the actions: spectral fits menu. c. Select the GRAPHICAL INPUT button from the "Interval Selection Mode" window. d. Choose the third button, AS LIMITS ON SAMPLE GROUPS OF N (TO BE CHOSEN, from the "Interval Selection" window. e. Enter a number into the "Select a Number" window and press the READY button when complete. f. From the spectral plot window, select the interval where data is to be binned. g. Remove the cursor from the plot and select the DONE button from the "Cursor Controls" window. h. For the bin to be performed the data must be replotted. III. DISPLAYING THE CURRENT OPTIONS 1. Display the current options WSPEX has on the INFO BOX. ({ACTIONS} SPECTRAL FITS -> SHOW CURRENT OPTIONS) a. Select the SPECTRAL FITS button from the ACTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. Choose the SHOW CURRENT OPTIONS actions from the actions: spectral fits menu. c. Observe the options displayed in the INFO BOX. FITTING I. CHOOSING A FIT MODEL 1. Choose the fit model to be used in the fitting process by WSPEX. ({OPTIONS} SPECTRAL FITS -> MODEL FUNCTION -> ) or ({OPTIONS} SPECTRAL FITS -> MODEL FUNCTION -> OTHER -> ) a. Select the SPECTRAL FITS button from the OPTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. Choose the MODEL FUNCTION option from the options: spectral fits menu. c. Either select the function name from the list or select the OTHER action. d. If OTHER is selected, enter the name in the "Modify Option" window and press the DONE button. II. SELECTING VALID ENERGIES 1. Select the valid range of energy to be fitted by WSPEX directly from the spectral plot. ({ACTIONS} SPECTRAL FITS -> FIT -> SELECT ENERGY RANGE -> -> DONE) a. Select the SPECTRAL FITS button from the ACTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. From the actions: spectral fits menu, select the FIT option. c. Select the SELECT ENERGY RANGE action. d. Enter the range on the spectral plot with the cursor. e. Remove the cursor from the plot and select the DONE button. 2. Alternate Method: Enter the valid range of energy directly into WSPEX. ({OPTIONS} SPECTRAL FITS -> VALID FITTING ENERGIES -> -> DONE) a. Select the SPECTRAL FITS button from the OPTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. From the options: spectral fits menu, select the VALID FITTING ENERGIES function. c. Enter the desired range into the "Modify Option" window. d. Select the DONE button from the "Modify Option" window to finish the procedure. III. THE FIT PARAMETERS 1. View the parameters and make changes where necessary. ({OPTIONS} SPECTRAL FITS -> FIT PARAMETERS -> -> DONE) a. Select the SPECTRAL FITS button from the OPTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. From the options: spectral fits menu, select the FIT PARAMETERS function. c. View and manually enter changes to the fit parameters in the "Modify Option window". d. Select the DONE button from the "Modify Option" window to finish the procedure. e. Changes will take place upon the next fitting. 2. Free or Fix selected parameters. ({OPTIONS} SPECTRAL FITS -> FREE/FIX -> -> DONE) a. Select the SPECTRAL FITS button from the OPTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. From the options: spectral fits menu, select the FREE/FIX function. c. Free given parameters by pushing the button to the left of the parameter inside the "Option Toggle" window. d. Fix given parameters by popping the button to the left of the parameter inside the "Option Toggle" window. e. Select the Done button from the "Option Toggle" window to finish the procedure. IV. FITTING AND PLOTTING 1. Perform a fit of the model function to the data set. ({ACTIONS} SPECTRAL FITS -> FIT -> FIT AND PLOT) a. Select the SPECTRAL FITS button from the ACTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. From the actions: spectral fits menu, select the FIT AND PLOT function. c. Observe the fit parameters on the spectral plot and the Chisquare value from the terminal window. 2. Repeat the fit and plot procedure until an adequate fit is produced. SUMMARY FILES 1. Create and save a summary file of the existing work session. ({ACTIONS} SUMMARY -> WRITE SUMMARY FILE) a. Select the SUMMARY button from the ACTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. From the actions: summary menu, select the WRITE SUMMARY FILE function. 2. Retrieve a previously saved summary file. ({ACTIONS} SUMMARY -> RESTORE SUMMARY FILE) a. Select the SUMMARY button from the ACTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. From the actions: summary menu, select the RESTORE SUMMARY FILE function. POSTSCRIPT FILES (SENDING A PLOT) 1. Save the plot as a postscript file. Method 1=> ({ACTIONS} SPECTRAL FITS -> SEND LAST PLOT -> TO FILE) Method 2=> ({ACTIONS} TIME HISTORY -> SEND LAST PLOT -> TO FILE) a. Either select the SPECTRAL FITS or the TIME HISTORY button from the ACTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. Select the SEND LAST PLOT option. c. Choose the TO FILE action. 2. Print the postscript file. Method 1=> ({ACTIONS} SPECTRAL FITS -> SEND LAST PLOT -> TO PRINTER) Method 2=> ({ACTIONS} TIME HISTORY -> SEND LAST PLOT -> TO PRINTER) a. Either select the SPECTRAL FITS or the TIME HISTORY button from the ACTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. Select the SEND LAST PLOT option. c. Choose the TO PRINTER action. 3. Alternate Method: Send the plot to both file and printer. Method 1=> ({ACTIONS} SPECTRAL FITS -> SEND LAST PLOT -> TO FILE AND PRINTER) Method 2=> ({ACTIONS} TIME HISTORY -> SEND LAST PLOT -> TO FILE AND PRINTER) a. Either select the SPECTRAL FITS or the TIME HISTORY button from the ACTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. Select the SEND LAST PLOT option. c. Choose the TO FILE AND PRINTER action. 4. Label the x and y axis for a better display and hard copy. ({ACTIONS} SUMMARY -> PARAMETERS TO PLOT -> XAXIS/YAXIS -> ) a. Select the SUMMARY button from the ACTIONS row of the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. b. Choose the PARAMETERS TO PLOT option. c. Either choose the x axis or y axis to change. d. Select the appropriate parameter to plot from the list given. LEAVING WSPEX 1. Leave wspex a. Press the EXIT button on the SPEX CONTROL PANEL. 2. Leave idl a. From the IDL prompt type EXIT.