time_range = '2003-jun-17 '+['22:53:10','22:54:40'] energy_band = [40.,60.] xyoffset = [-790.,-140.] vis=hsi_vis_usershell(time_range=time_range,xyoffset=xyoffset,energy_band=energy_band)
hsi_vis_display,visc wdel,/all ; free up all the windows
hsi_vis_bpmap,visc,time=time_range(0) hsi_vis_bpmap,visc,/over,/cont,lev=[10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90],/percent,c_color=1 ; overlay with contours
srcstr={srctype:'circle',srcflux:0,srcx:0,srcy:0,srcfwhm:0,eccen:0.,srcpa:0.,loop_angle:0.,albedo_ratio:0.,srcheight:0.} srcstr=replicate(srcstr,2) srcstr.srcflux=[48.,36.] ; (These fluxes don't have to be accurate.) srcstr.srcx=[-798.,-782.] ; (Approximate x positions.) srcstr.srcy=[-148.,-132.] ; (And approximate y positions will do.) srcstr.srcfwhm=[3,3] ; These FWHM values should be less than or roughly equal to the real widths
hsi_vis_fwdfit,visc,/multi,srcin=srcstr,srcout=srcfit,/noedit ; The /noedit option is required since we performed a vis_edit earlier.
window,1 mapcenter = visc[0].xyoffset ; set the mapcenter to the vis phase center used earlier hsi_vis_fwdfit_plotfit,visc,srcfit,mapcenter,time=time_range(0)
window,2 hsi_vis_fwdfit_plotfit,visc,srcfit,mapcenter,/map_resid,time=time_range(0)
There are other tests, and various bells and whistles in the software, but soon these command-line utilities will be embedded in the objects and available from the gui, so this tutorial will become largely obsolete.
Ed Schmahl, 10 April 2006