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A. hessi list
To subscribe or unsubscribe to the hessi list, send a message to majordomo@listserv.gsfc.nasa.gov with the following words in the body of the message:
subscribe hessi
unsubscribe hessiTo send a message to everyone on the hessi list, address the message to
hessi@listserv.gsfc.nasa.govB. hessi-analysis-software list
To subscribe to the hessi-analysis-software list, fill out this form.
To send a message to everyone on the hessi-analysis-software list, address the message to rhessi_data_analysis-outgoing@mithra.physics.montana.edu.
The hessi-analysis-software list is run by the Max Millennium program at Montana State University. They also maintain a list of RHESSI data analysis projects and we encourage you to submit a description of your plans for using the RHESSI data in order to foster collaboration among people working on similar projects.
C. hessibugs list
The hessibugs list is not a majordomo list. If you have questions or problems with the RHESSI software, send a message to hessibugs@hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov. Your messages and the response messages are archived in the hessibugs list.
For more information about using majordomo lists, send a message to majordomo@listserv.gsfc.nasa.gov with the word "help" (without the quotes) in the body of the message. You will get a reply with details about Majordomo and what commands are available to get more information about the system in general and the HESSI list in particular.
+ NASA Privacy Statement, Disclaimer, and Accessibility Certification This site last updated November 10, 2008. |