OSPEX Object Parameters:  OSPEX Admin Parameters


Links to other ospex parameter tables:
     All      Standard Control      Administration      Information


Name Control / Info* Description Default Units Range Type** User Level*** Class
spex_allow_diff_energy Admin If set, allow saved (spex_summ) energy values to differ from data energies 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_autoplot_bksub Admin If set, plot data-bk, not data with bk in autoplot 1 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_autoplot_enable Admin If set, automatically plot after fitting 1 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_autoplot_overlay_back Admin If set, overlay bk in autoplot 1 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_autoplot_overlay_bksub Admin If set, overlay data-bk in autoplot 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_autoplot_photons Admin If set, plot in photon space in autoplot 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_autoplot_show_err Admin If set, show error bars in autoplot 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_autoplot_units Admin Units for autoplot ("counts", "rate", "flux") flux -- -- string N/A spex_fit
spex_data_dir Admin Directory containing input files Current directory -- -- string Standard spex_data
spex_def_eband Admin Default energy bands for current type of data -- keV -- pointer N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_eband Admin Energy bands for viewing data If RHESSI, nine RHESSI ql bands. Otherwise, divide energy range into 4 bands. keV -- pointer N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_fit_progbar Admin If set, show progress bar during fit loop through intervals 1 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_fitcomp_autoplot_enable Admin If set, autoplot in FITCOMP widget after any change 1 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_fitcomp_plot_bk Admin If set, overlay bk on plot in FITCOMP widget 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_fitcomp_plot_err Admin If set, show errors on plot in FITCOMP widget 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_fitcomp_plot_photons Admin If set, plot in photon space in FITCOMP widget 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_fitcomp_plot_resid Admin If set, plot residuals in autoplot in FITCOMP widget 1 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_fitcomp_plot_units Admin Units for plot in FITCOMP widget flux -- counts / rate / flux string N/A spex_fit
spex_panel_replace Admin Not used yet 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard spex_data
spex_roi_color Admin Color table to use for Region Selection panel display. 5 -- 0 - 40 int N/A spex_image
spex_roi_expand Admin Expansion factor for expanded images in Region Selection tool. 3 -- 1 - ? int N/A spex_image
spex_roi_outfile Admin Name of IDL save file to write ROI selection into -- -- -- string N/A spex_image
spex_roi_size Admin Size of each image in Region Selection panel display. 50 device pixels -- int N/A spex_image
spex_tband Admin Time bands for viewing data Divide full time range into 4 bands. ANYTIM -- pointer N/A spex_data_strategy

* Control Parameters are set by the user to control the software; Info parameters are informational output parameters; Admin parameters are set by the user to control display options.

** Note that for parameters whose type is 'pointer', you can set the parameter without making it a pointer first - the object will take care of that.  And when you retrieve a parameter that is a pointer, unless you use the /NO_DEREFERENCE keyword on the call to GET, the contents of the pointer will be returned, not the pointer.

*** User Levels are:
   Standard - parameters that most users will want to set
   Advanced - parameters that require a high level of familiarity with the software
   Expert - parameters that should never be set by users

Last updated 13-Nov-2013 by Kim Tolbert , 301-286-3965