OSPEX Object Parameters:  All OSPEX Parameters


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Name Control / Info* Description Default Units Range Type** User Level*** Class
compman_name Info Array of function component names -- -- -- pointer N/A fit_comp_manager
compman_strategy Info Array of function component strategy names -- -- -- pointer N/A fit_comp_manager
fc_model_options Info Options for fit_comp_model -- -- -- pointer N/A fit_comp
fc_spectrum_options Info Options for fit_comp_spectrum -- -- -- pointer N/A fit_comp
fit_comp_free_mask Control Fit function parameter free/fixed mask [1,1] -- 0 - 1 pointer Standard fit_comp
fit_comp_function Control Array of fit function component names vth -- -- string Expert fit_comp
fit_comp_maxima Control Fit function parameter maximum values [1.e20, 50.] -- -- pointer Standard fit_comp
fit_comp_minima Control Fit function parameter minimum values [1.e-20, .5] -- -- pointer Standard fit_comp
fit_comp_model Control Fit function model chianti (for thermal) -- chianti / mewe string Standard fit_comp
fit_comp_params Control Fit function parameters [1., 2.] -- -- pointer Standard fit_comp
fit_comp_sigmas Info Sigma in fit parameters, (nparam) -- -- -- pointer N/A fit_comp
fit_comp_spectrum Control Fit function spectrum type (for thermal) full (for thermal) -- full / continuum / lines string Standard fit_comp
fit_func_units Info Structure with units of fit function output -- -- -- struct(1) N/A fit_function
fit_function Control Fit function used vth -- -- string Standard fit_function
fit_xvals Control Energies used in fit (2,n) -- keV -- pointer Expert fit_comp_gen
mcurvefit_chi2 Info Chi-squared value after mcurvefit -- -- -- double N/A spex_fitalg_mcurvefit
mcurvefit_corr Info Correlation matrix -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fitalg_mcurvefit
mcurvefit_covar Info Covariance matrix -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fitalg_mcurvefit
mcurvefit_fail_msg Info Mcurvefit success/failure message -- -- -- string N/A spex_fitalg_mcurvefit
mcurvefit_fail_type Info Mcurvfit success/failure code -- -- -- int N/A spex_fitalg_mcurvefit
mcurvefit_free_mask Info Parameter free/fixed mask used -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fitalg_mcurvefit
mcurvefit_iter Info Number of iterations done in mcurvefit -- -- -- long N/A spex_fitalg_mcurvefit
mcurvefit_itmax Control Maximum number of iterations in mcurvefit fit 10 -- -- long Standard spex_fitalg_mcurvefit
mcurvefit_quiet Control 0/1 quiet/verbose during mcurvefit 1 -- 0 - 1 byte Standard spex_fitalg_mcurvefit
mcurvefit_tol Control Convergence Tolerance. Stop fit if relative decrease in chi-squared < tol 0.001 -- -- double Standard spex_fitalg_mcurvefit
poly_fit_chisq Info -- -- -- -- double N/A spex_fitalg_poly_fit
poly_fit_covar Info -- -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fitalg_poly_fit
poly_fit_double Control Not used yet. 0 -- -- byte Standard spex_fitalg_poly_fit
poly_fit_n_degree Control Number of degrees of freedom for polynomial fit. Not used yet. 2 -- -- long Standard spex_fitalg_poly_fit
poly_fit_status Info -- -- -- -- int N/A spex_fitalg_poly_fit
poly_fit_yband Info -- -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fitalg_poly_fit
poly_fit_yerror Info -- -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fitalg_poly_fit
spex_accum_time Control Time interval to accumulate for spex analysis. [0.,0.] means full file. [0.,0.] (full file) -- Time range of input file double(2) Standard spex_data_strategy
spex_albedo_correct Control If set, correct drm for albedo of photosphere 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard spex_drm
spex_allow_diff_energy Admin If set, allow saved (spex_summ) energy values to differ from data energies 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_anisotropy Control Anisotropy ratio, for albedo correction 1. -- 0. - 1. float Standard spex_drm
spex_area Info Area of detector/ instrument from spectrum file -- cm^2 -- float N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_autoplot_bksub Admin If set, plot data-bk, not data with bk in autoplot 1 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_autoplot_enable Admin If set, automatically plot after fitting 1 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_autoplot_overlay_back Admin If set, overlay bk in autoplot 1 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_autoplot_overlay_bksub Admin If set, overlay data-bk in autoplot 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_autoplot_photons Admin If set, plot in photon space in autoplot 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_autoplot_show_err Admin If set, show error bars in autoplot 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_autoplot_units Admin Units for autoplot ("counts", "rate", "flux") flux -- -- string N/A spex_fit
spex_bk_eband Control Energy bands for background if spex_bk_sep is set -- keV -- pointer Standard spex_bkint
spex_bk_order Control Order of polynomial or method for computing background fit 1 -- 0 - 3 pointer Standard spex_bk
spex_bk_origunits Info Structure with original units for background data -- -- -- struct(1) N/A spex_bk
spex_bk_poisson_error Control If set, bk data errors are sqrt(counts). Otherwise errors are averaged. 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard spex_bk
spex_bk_ratio Control Use ratio of high-energy bk profile for bk for lower energies 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard spex_bk
spex_bk_ratprofile_plot Info If set, show plot of background profile used for 'High E Profile' or 'This E Profile' ratio method 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_bk
spex_bk_sep Control If set, separate background for different energy bands 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard spex_bkint
spex_bk_sm_width Control Smoothing width (# of points), used when background method uses profile 128 -- 1 - ? int Standard spex_bk
spex_bk_time_interval Control Background time intervals -- ANYTIM -- pointer Standard spex_bkint
spex_bk_units Info Structure with units of last accumulation for background data -- -- -- struct(1) N/A spex_bk
spex_bk_used_ratio Info 0/1 means we didn't / did use the ratio method for bk calc -- -- -- int N/A spex_bk
spex_bksub_origunits Info Structure with original units for background-subtracted data -- -- -- struct(1) N/A spex_bksub
spex_bksub_units Info Structure with units of last accumulation for background-subtracted data -- -- -- struct(1) N/A spex_bksub
spex_ct_edges Info Energy bins of data in spectrum file, (2,n) -- keV -- pointer N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_data_dir Admin Directory containing input files Current directory -- -- string Standard spex_data
spex_data_origunits Info Structure with original units for spectrum data -- -- -- struct(1) N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_data_pos Info Xyoffset of source in data file -- arcsec -- float(2) N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_data_sel Control Instrument or detector selection if file has more than one type of data -- -- Depends on data source string Standard spex_data_strategy
spex_data_units Info Structure with units of last accumulation for spectrum data -- -- -- struct(1) N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_deconvolved Info If 1, original data is already photons. 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_def_eband Admin Default energy bands for current type of data -- keV -- pointer N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_detectors Info String of detectors included in spectrum file -- -- -- string N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_drm_area Info Detector area from DRM file -- cm^2 -- float N/A spex_drm
spex_drm_ct_edges Info Count space energy edges in DRM file (2,n) -- keV -- pointer N/A spex_drm
spex_drm_current_filter Info Current filter in use -- -- -- int N/A spex_drm
spex_drm_current_time Info Current DRM time interval in use -- -- -- double(2) N/A spex_drm
spex_drm_data_name Info Data type DRM file is for, e.g. HESSI -- -- -- string N/A spex_drm
spex_drm_dataobj Control Data object to get info from if needed -- -- -- objref Expert spex_drm
spex_drm_detused Info String of detectors included in DRMfile -- -- -- string N/A spex_drm
spex_drm_filter Info Filter (attenuator) state(s) in DRM file -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_drm
spex_drm_fitintobj Control Spex fitint object to get background from if needed for pileup_mod. Set internally, not by user. -- -- -- objref Expert spex_drm
spex_drm_method Info Method used to get drm values: "file", "array", or "build" -- -- -- string N/A spex_drm
spex_drm_mod_obj Info Used internally in drm_mod function -- -- -- objref N/A spex_drm
spex_drm_ph_edges Info Photon space energy edges in DRM file (2,n) -- keV -- pointer N/A spex_drm
spex_drm_sepdets Info If set, detectors are separate in DRM file -- -- -- int N/A spex_drm
spex_drm_times Info Time interval for each DRM matrix -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_drm
spex_drmfile Control Input DRM file name -- -- -- string Standard spex_drm
spex_eband Admin Energy bands for viewing data If RHESSI, nine RHESSI ql bands. Otherwise, divide energy range into 4 bands. keV -- pointer N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_erange Control Energy range(s) to fit over (2,n) -- keV -- pointer Standard spex_fitrange
spex_error_use_expected Control If set, use expected counts to calc error 1 -- 0 - 1 int Standard spex_fitalg_gen
spex_file_reader Control base name of routines to read files - xxx_spec and xxx_drm in ANY SPECFILE method -- -- -- string Expert spex_data_strategy
spex_file_time Info Start,end time of data in spectrum file -- ANYTIM -- double(2) N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_file_units Info Structure of units info for data in spectrum file -- -- -- struct(1) N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_fit_auto_emax_thresh Control Threshold for #counts/bin for automatically setting upper limit of energy range to fit. 10.0 counts/bin 10. - ? float Standard spex_fit
spex_fit_auto_emin Control If set, automatically set lower limit of energy range to fit (only applies to RHESSI) 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard spex_fit
spex_fit_auto_erange Control If set, automatically set upper limit of energy range to fit 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard spex_fit
spex_fit_firstint_method Control Method for setting starting params for fit for first interval (fn,sn = final,start from interval n) current -- default / current / fn / sn string Standard spex_fit
spex_fit_init_params_only Control If set, set params only according to firstint_method or start_method 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard spex_fit
spex_fit_manual Control 0=automatic, 1=manual on first interval, 2=manual on all intervals 1 -- 0 - 2 int Standard spex_fit
spex_fit_progbar Admin If set, show progress bar during fit loop through intervals 1 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_fit_reverse Control Interval Loop direction, 0 = forward, 1 = reverse 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard spex_fit
spex_fit_start_method Control Method for getting starting params for fit after first interval previous_int -- default / previous_int / previous_start / previous_iter string Standard spex_fit
spex_fit_time_interval Control Fit time intervals, (2,n) -- ANYTIM -- pointer Standard spex_fitint
spex_fit_time_used Info Fit time intervals used (spex_fit_time_interval adjusted to data boundaries), (2,n) -- ANYTIM -- pointer N/A spex_fitint
spex_fitcomp_autoplot_enable Admin If set, autoplot in FITCOMP widget after any change 1 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_fitcomp_plot_bk Admin If set, overlay bk on plot in FITCOMP widget 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_fitcomp_plot_err Admin If set, show errors on plot in FITCOMP widget 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_fitcomp_plot_photons Admin If set, plot in photon space in FITCOMP widget 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_fitcomp_plot_resid Admin If set, plot residuals in autoplot in FITCOMP widget 1 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_fit
spex_fitcomp_plot_units Admin Units for plot in FITCOMP widget flux -- counts / rate / flux string N/A spex_fit
spex_fitcomp_plotobj_resid Info Plotman object to use for residuals -- -- -- objref N/A spex_fit
spex_fitint_filter Info Data filter for each fit interval -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fitint
spex_fitint_origunits Info Structure with original units for fit interval data -- -- -- struct(1) N/A spex_fitint
spex_fitint_units Info Structure with units of last accumulation for fit interval data -- -- -- struct(1) N/A spex_fitint
spex_have_bk Info If set, some background intervals have been defined. -- -- -- int N/A spex_bkint
spex_ignore_filters Control If set, ignore filters 0 -- 0 - 1 int Expert spex_data_strategy
spex_image_full_srm Control If set, use full SRM for image cube 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard spex_image
spex_image_spectrum_source Admin If "", then spectrum is from user-defined ROIs. Otherwise probably from image alg params (see spex_image_use_alg_parms parameter). -- -- -- string N/A spex_image
spex_image_use_alg_parms Control Only for use with RHESSI images, VIS_FWDFIT algorithm. Gets ROIs, spectra, and errors from VIS_FWDFIT vf_scrout parameter. 0 -- -- int Expert spex_image
spex_interval_filter Info Filter state for each original data time interval -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_interval_index Info Index of current fit interval -- -- -- int N/A spex_fitint
spex_intervals_tofit Control Array of interval numbers to fit (start from 0) -1 -- -- pointer Standard spex_fitrange
spex_panel_replace Admin Not used yet 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard spex_data
spex_plotman_obj Info Plotman object reference -- -- -- objref N/A spex_data
spex_pseudo_livetime Info If 1, livetime isn't a real livetime. 0 -- 0 - 1 int N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_respinfo Info Name of response file written with spectrum file, or array of response values -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_roi_color Admin Color table to use for Region Selection panel display. 5 -- 0 - 40 int N/A spex_image
spex_roi_expand Admin Expansion factor for expanded images in Region Selection tool. 3 -- 1 - ? int N/A spex_image
spex_roi_infile Control Name of IDL save file to read ROI selection from. -- -- -- string Standard spex_image
spex_roi_integrate Control If set, integrate all regions to compute spectrum. 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard spex_image
spex_roi_outfile Admin Name of IDL save file to write ROI selection into -- -- -- string N/A spex_image
spex_roi_size Admin Size of each image in Region Selection panel display. 50 device pixels -- int N/A spex_image
spex_roi_use Control Specifies which region(s) to use to compute spectrum 0 -- 0 - 3 pointer Standard spex_image
spex_source_angle Control Angle to source in degrees, for albedo correction 45. -- 0. - 90. float Standard spex_drm
spex_source_xy Control XY Position of source in arcsec, for albedo correction [-9999.,-9999.] -- 0. - ~950. float(2) Standard spex_drm
spex_specfile Control Input spectrum file name -- -- -- pointer Standard spex_data_strategy
spex_summ_abun_table Info Abundance table name -- -- -- string N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_area Info Detector area for data in fit results -- cm^2 -- float N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_bk_error Info Error in background rate data for each interval, (nenergy,ntime) -- counts/sec -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_bk_rate Info Background rate corresponding to ct_rate, (nenergy,ntime) -- counts/sec -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_chianti_version Info Chianti package version used to make tables -- -- -- string N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_chisq Info Chi-square for each interval, (ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_conv Info Conversion factors for each interval (nenergy,ntime) -- counts/photon -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_ct_error Info Error in count rate data for each interval, (nenergy,ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_ct_rate Info Count rate data that was fit for each interval, (nenergy,ntime) -- counts/sec -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_emask Info Mask of energies used for each interval (nenergy,ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_energy Info Full array of energy edges, (2,nenergy) -- keV -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_filter Info Array of filter states for each time interval (ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_fit_done Info Interval fit completed mask. For each interval 0=not fit, 1=fit. (ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_fit_function Info Fit function used -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_free_mask Info Parameter free mask for each interval, (nparams,ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_func_model Info Fit function model (chianti or mewe) used for each component in each interval, (ncomp,ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_func_spectrum Info Fit function spectrum type (full, cont, or line) used for each component in each interval, (ncomp,ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_maxima Info Parameter maxima for each interval, (nparams,ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_maxiter Info Maximum number of iterations allowed for each interval, (ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_minima Info Parameter minima for each interval, (nparams,ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_niter Info Number of fit iterations done for each interval, (ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_params Info Final fit parameters for each interval, (nparams,ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_ph_model Info Photon flux model for each interval, (nenergy,ntime) -- phot/cm^2/sec/keV -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_resid Info Normalized Residuals for each interval in sigma, (nenergy,ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_sigmas Info Sigma in fit parameters for each interval, (nparams,ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_source_angle Info Source angle in degrees used for albedo correction -- -- -- float N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_source_xy Info Source position in asec used for albedo correction -- -- -- float(2) N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_starting_params Info Starting fit parameters for each interval, (nparams,ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_stop_msg Info Reason for stopping fit for each interval, (ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_time_interval Info Array of time intervals fit, (2,ntime) -- UT -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_summ_uncert Info Systematic uncertainty for each interval, (ntime) -- -- -- pointer N/A spex_fit
spex_tband Admin Time bands for viewing data Divide full time range into 4 bands. ANYTIM -- pointer N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_title Info Title of data, e.g. "HESSI SPECTRUM" -- -- -- string N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_uncert Control Systematic Uncertainty .05 -- -- float Standard spex_fitalg_gen
spex_ut_edges Info Time bins of data in spectrum file, (2,n) -- ANYTIM -- pointer N/A spex_data_strategy
spex_ut_offset Control Time offset for data in seconds 0.0 sec -- float Standard spex_data_strategy

* Control Parameters are set by the user to control the software; Info parameters are informational output parameters; Admin parameters are set by the user to control display options.

** Note that for parameters whose type is 'pointer', you can set the parameter without making it a pointer first - the object will take care of that.  And when you retrieve a parameter that is a pointer, unless you use the /NO_DEREFERENCE keyword on the call to GET, the contents of the pointer will be returned, not the pointer.

*** User Levels are:
   Standard - parameters that most users will want to set
   Advanced - parameters that require a high level of familiarity with the software
   Expert - parameters that should never be set by users

Last updated 4-Sep-2024 by Kim Tolbert , 301-286-3965