RHESSI News Item


HESSI Experimental Data Center

(ETHZ - Institute of Astronomy, Institute for Information Systems & Institute for Computer Systems)


What is HEDC ?

- Sun server 2x 450MHz, 735 GB (2003: 4 TB)
- analysis and browsing through web interface (and JAVA!)
- HESSI data, Phoenix-2 data and other (?)


- light curves, spectroscopy, image reconstruction
- computed and storable on HEDC server


- analyses, quick-looks, extended catalog (ex: 2" reconstructions (all collimators 128x128, clean); movies)
- high level events (HLE) (ex: min. count rate in a given energy range)
- telemetry files ( ex : date)

Synoptic Database

- ground-based & space data search engine

HEDC special features

- will generate its own catalog and quick-looks (solar AND non-solar)
- can run several background processes
- all analyses storable on HEDC, available as fits
- useful for low bandwidth Web connection, and/or low computing capability
- powerful browsing tool


Still under development !


Example: http://www.hedc.ethz.ch