RHESSI News Item
To: Scientists interested in HESSI
The HESSI flight data is now available through a browser or through
anonymous ftp. Please refer to
------------- Summary of Setup Instructions ---------------
Because of the evolving, possibly conflicting, messages about SSW HESSI
setup, I'm including a short summary here of the current instructions. The
complete instructions are found in
1. The file $SSW/hessi/setup/setup.hessi_env should set most of your HESSI
environment variables (exceptions noted in Item 2). An edited copy of that
file should be in your $SSW/site/setup directory or your home directory.
The copy should have been edited to set only the environment variables you
want to override in the original file. Usually the only environment
variable you need to override is HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE. Make sure
HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE points to the top level of the directory containing the
data. Type hessi_var in SSW IDL to check environment variables.
2. Environment variables SSW, SSW_INSTR, SSWDB, and HESSI_PATH should be
defined in your .login file on UNIX, and in your sswidl.bat file on Windows.
Note: HESSI_PATH is used to select the Development or Release version of
the analysis software.
3. Currently, the HESSI part of SSWDB is not necessary. However if you
plan to do image reconstruction using the Pixon method, the files on SSWDB
will speed up the process.
4. The default configuration uses the flight data. To use simulated data,
type hsi_switch,/sim. To use flight data again, type hsi_switch,/flight.
The hsi_switch routine resets some environment variables and re-initializes
some stored data to use the simulation ancillary files (filedb, flare list,
etc). As long as HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE points to the top level of the directory
containing the data, you don't need to change it when switching between
flight and simulated data. (Note: As of March 19, 2002, the simulated file
and the current software are incompatible. A new simulated file will be
generated shortly. You can however simulate your own data using
5. When you find a bug, send email to hessibugs@hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov with
a description of what you were doing, the crash message if any, and the
output of hessi_setup_info,/file.
--------------------- Using the Early Data ---------------
A few notes about using the early data:
1. Because of all of the recent changes in the software to accommodate
unexpected features of the flight data, you should use the development
version of the software tree for now.
2. Currently there are no observing summary data or flare list for the
flight data. To select a time interval in the GUI, go to the observation
time interval selection widget and select start/end times directly (instead
of by flare number).
3. Gordon Hurford will be sending a message describing more details of the
limitations and workarounds for using the HESSI flight data.